My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1373 Never Let You Down

Chapter 1373 Never Let You Down
Feng Yun's avatar was also excited, shaking his head and said: "No! No! I can't smell the stench on your body anymore."

"Really?" Feng Ling was so happy that tears just dripped down.

"Really, Ling'er, I can't smell you anymore."

"that is really good!"

It is simply that the heaven pays off!

Feng Yun finally couldn't smell her body anymore!

Finally, I won't hate her anymore!
Finally, I no longer have to faint from nausea because of being close to her.

Feng Ling felt that the spring of her life had arrived.

When she and Feng Yun are together, it is best to conceive another child belonging to them. Now that the people of the Feng clan come down from the Heavenly Court, even if they don't like her anymore, she can return to the Heavenly Court according to their mother's value.

When she becomes Princess Yun, even the Emperor of Heaven will have nothing to do with her.

At that time, she will practice again and reshape her golden body.

No matter how awesome the Antarctic Heavenly Emperor is, she is just a king with a different surname, but she is the princess of the Feng clan, the most noble noble in the heaven.

She wanted to see what kind of expressions Nangong Jin and Yun Yue would have when they faced her.

But right now, all she has to do is to be with Feng Yun well.Make good love with Fengyun, so that he can't do without himself, both emotionally and physically.

"Prince, can I... can I touch you?"

Feng Ling's words really made the ministers beside him blush with embarrassment.

This Princess Fengling is too much!
However, Feng Ling's straightforwardness did not dissatisfy the sage and the empress beside him. On the contrary, the sage looked at Feng Ling very happily, as if he was about to fuck.And the empress looked at the prince full of expectation, as if she was about to have sex.

This strange scene fell in the eyes of all the ministers, but now it is no surprise.

The eyes of Feng Yun's avatar flashed with determination, nodded and said: "Of course. Ling'er, you are mine! You are mine for the rest of your life! No one can be your man except me, you can only It belongs to me alone! Life is mine, even if I die, I will go to hell with you!"

The prince's words made the ministers on the side, the empress and Feng Ling shudder.

At this moment, Feng Yun's eyes, apart from the gleam of determination, also had an inexplicable ferocity that sent chills down the spine.

"Prince, what's the matter with you?"

Feng Ling glanced at Feng Yun warily, and took a step back unconsciously.

Only then did Feng Yun's avatar realize that his performance was wrong, and immediately added: "Ling'er, do you know how much I sacrificed to be with you? In this life, you can't blame me!"

When Feng Ling heard it, he knew that he was saying that he had suffered a while ago, that's why he said those words just now.In addition, Phoenix is ​​a divine beast with a strong desire to possess, so I feel that it is normal for Feng Yun to have what he said just now.

So Feng Ling nodded very touched: "Okay, Ling'er belongs to His Highness the Crown Prince. He was born to His Highness the Crown Prince. Even if he dies, I will go to hell with His Highness the Crown Prince. We will never be separated forever!"

"Okay, then you have to remember the oath you made in front of the officials today. If you betray me, I will definitely drag you to hell."

"So what about you, His Royal Highness? Will you blame me?"


"Okay, I believe His Royal Highness the Prince."

"That's great, Shengjun! You see, these two children love each other so much, let's hold a wedding for them immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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