My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1374 Restless

Chapter 1374 Restless
"Okay." Di Qianzhong nodded immediately without saying a word.

I have wanted Feng Ling for a long time.

Even if Feng Ling was divided into the two women in front of him at this moment, he, Long Jue, completely possessed her.

In this life, even in death, he will still be entangled with her.

"Ling'er, come here, let me touch you."

It has been more than half a year since the real Feng Ling appeared in front of him.For such a long time, he couldn't even touch her finger.

Now, that disgusting feeling has finally completely disappeared, and he wants to get back what she owed him, including the principal and interest.

"Sir, please retire!"

When all the imperial physicians heard that the next scene was unsuitable for the elderly, they immediately retreated in a sensible way.

And when Ling Tian heard that Feng Yun couldn't wait to touch him, he felt even more secretly happy.

"it is good."

Feng Ling showed a shyness, walked over slowly, stretched out his green fingers, waiting for Feng Yun's touch and caress.

However, just when Feng Yun's hand was about to touch Feng Ling's, his complexion suddenly became painful.

I saw Feng Yun's avatar stare, and then his whole face turned pale.

"Ah... ah—ah—"

Feng Yun's sudden painful screams startled the Empress and Feng Ling.

"Your Highness, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing Feng Yun's painful expression, Feng Ling panicked.

"Prince, where are you uncomfortable? Where does it hurt?"

The empress was also extremely anxious, looking at Feng Yun, but it was Di Qianzhong who called out.

"Sheng Jun, quickly see what happened to His Highness the Crown Prince? Why is he suddenly in such pain?"

Feng Yun's clone clutched his head tightly, big beads of sweat slipped down like rain, his face was as pale as paper.

The moment Feng Ling's hand was about to touch his body, Feng Yun's avatar fell directly from the bed to the ground, and then rolled unstoppably.

"Shengjun, what are you still standing there for? Come and see what happened to the prince!"

The empress's heart was about to die of pain, seeing that Di Qianzhong had not moved, she couldn't help but look up at him.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, the empress and Feng Ling were stunned when they saw it.

Because such a powerful Di Qianzhong, who was even stronger than them, at this moment, like the prince, also showed a painful expression.

It's just that his strength may be much stronger than that of the prince, so he can use his spiritual power to endure such pain.

"Holy... Shengjun, what's wrong with you? Why don't you..."

Di Qianzhong immediately sat cross-legged, obviously able to pay attention to the empress, but he didn't say a word.

Because only he knew about the matter of seizing Fengyun, Feng Ling must not let Feng Ling know about it, let alone people in the heavenly court.

In the past, he could abandon his identity as a great general and bring Feng Ling down to earth recklessly.But after being completely used by Feng Ling and then abandoned, Long Jue has already decided that he wants to return to Heaven.

So he must not let anyone know about his seizure of Fengyun, including Fengling.

Because Feng Ling can only die with him, but he absolutely cannot share secrets with him.

Long Jue sat cross-legged, and immediately extended his spiritual power into Feng Yun's body.

It never occurred to him that Duoshe Fengyun's body was incomplete back then.

After the seizure of the house was completed, he also specially checked to see if there were any future troubles left. After confirming that Feng Yun's soul had been occupied and swallowed by his soul, he was relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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