Chapter 1385

Feng Ling thought about getting his body back to normal, struggled for a while, and then voluntarily clung to Long Jue's neck, and began to turn his back on others.

After a long time, after a deep tongue sss kiss, Feng Ling asked with an unsatisfactory expression: "Brother Longjue, do you feel my sincerity?"

Long Jue nodded: "Yes, I can feel it. Since Ling'er attached part of her soul to the phantom, she has taken a lot more initiative than before."

"Then...then can you save me?" Feng Ling looked at him expectantly.

She still has to wait until her health recovers to find Feng Yun.

Now that Feng Yun's strength has reached the peak, the Yuan Ling in his body must have awakened.It won't be long before people from the Feng clan will come down to pick him up.

Her time is running out.

She had to find Feng Yun and make him fall in love with her before Feng Yun's memory was erased and before Ling Tian was found.



Long Jue's answer was like a bucket of ice water, pouring cold into Feng Ling's heart.

Staring blankly at Long Jue, who was more than a head taller than her, Feng Ling was stunned.

"Why...why? Brother Long Jue, haven't you already forgiven me? Why don't you agree? Are you still angry? What do you want me to do? Tell me, I can do it. Brother Long Jue, Please, save Ling'er. If you don't save me, I will really die!"

"Ling'er, aren't you still talking to me right now? Why did you die?"

"But this is the phantom's body, this is not my body!" Feng Ling was anxious: "There is only a trace of my soul in the phantom's body. Although I occupy her body, I can't completely destroy her soul." Devour. Once I die, my soul will be greatly weakened, what if the phantom suddenly wakes up?"

"Isn't there still me?"


"If the phantom dares to devour your soul, I will help you get it back. So as long as you are with me all the time, the phantom will have no chance."

"But this is not my body!"

"But I don't mind."


Feng Ling was almost driven mad by Long Jue.

Is this something he doesn't mind?
Without her own body, how could she please Feng Yun?After Feng Yun fell in love with him, how to bring her back to the Heavenly Court and help her gather Yuan Ling again?
"Brother Longjue, we are gods! Although our strength has fallen to this level, if we have the opportunity, we can get the Yuanling back! But if our bodies are all wiped out in this continent, how can we get it back?" Return to Yuanling?"

"I haven't even thought about getting the Yuan Ling back. What are you doing to get the Yuan Ling back? Could it be that you still want to go back to the Heavenly Court? You know, there is no room for you and me in the Heavenly Court."

Looking at Feng Ling, Long Jue narrowed his eyes slightly: " haven't given up on Feng Yun yet? You want to put me to death while I'm weak after I save you?"

Feng Ling quickly shook his head.

"No! How could it be! I have already said that I will no longer have illusions about Feng Yun."

"That's it! You don't have any fantasies about Fengyun and Nangong Jin. As long as you don't betray them, they will never help you. Going back to the heaven is already impossible. Why don't you live here in Hunyuan?" Continental stay at ease. You follow me, we will be a real couple who only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals."

(End of this chapter)

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