Chapter 1386

"We can have whatever we want, the whole world is up to us, and I don't dislike your body. What else do you have to worry about?"


Feng Ling was at a loss for words, and he didn't know how to persuade Long Jue to save him who was dying, and his heart was anxious.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Even if your body is dead, but the phantom's body is at the peak level of a ninth-level spiritual master, our lifespan is still unlimited."

"But this is different, Brother Long Jue, I don't want the phantom's body, I want mine! Don't you think the phantom's body is dirty? Don't you want to be with the real me?" ?”

"But to save you, I need to consume a lot of soul power. Compared with those soul powers that are consumed for no reason, I am more willing to accept you now. Anyway, after so many years, even if the phantom's body is dirty, it has already been destroyed by my body. I've cleaned it countless times. I don't dislike you, so why are you so nervous?"

Seeing that Long Jue was unwilling to save himself, Feng Ling simply knelt down to Long Jue.

"Brother Long Jue, please. Ling'er begs you one last time. Save Ling'er! As long as you are willing to help, Ling'er will really listen to you in the future, okay?"

Looking at the woman who was kneeling in front of him, grabbing the hem of his clothes, Long Jue stretched out his hand.Just when Feng Ling thought he would help her up and agreed to her request, Long actually raised his hand, and before she had time to react, he slapped himself on the bed.

Feng Ling, who was already exhaling a lot of energy but not inhaling enough air, under the all-out attack of a top three-level master above the peak of Lingzun, not to mention his soul, even his body was wiped out in an instant.


Looking at the empty place on the bed, Feng Ling was completely stunned.

" killed me! You killed me!!!"

"Ling'er, from now on, you and I will never be able to return to the Heavenly Court. We will be a couple flying together."

"Long Jue, are you crazy? You actually killed me! Do you know what you are doing? People from the Feng clan and those from the Jiejiao are not easy to mess with. With our current ability, Just a random Sanxian who intercepts the teaching can blow us to the bone. What are you thinking? Long Jue, can you just ignore me like this?"

"If you keep Feng Ling's body, you and I won't be able to run away when they descend to the mortal world. Not only can't you run away, but if the devil emperor Chi Yan and that princess Yun Yue who hates you find out that you are still alive, we will die." faster."

"But if you don't destroy my body, at least I can ask Feng Yun to let me go. As long as Feng Yun lets me go, the Feng Clan will let me go. As long as Feng Wang is on our side, let alone those who intercept the teaching Even if Master Tongtian came down to earth in person, he wouldn't be able to move us."

"So after all, you still want to find Feng Yun!"

"But if we want to survive, we must find him!"

"Feng Ling, give up your heart! In this life, you can only follow me! I live, you live, I die..."

Long Jue looked at Feng Ling, showing a magnificent but extremely sinister smile, which made Feng Ling shiver in fright.

"You will be buried with me, and I will be buried with you, even if it turns into ashes, our tomb will be with you forever."

(End of this chapter)

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