Chapter 1388

"Ling'er, if you could think this way from the beginning, how good would it be? Then your father would not kill Nangong Jin's wife, and would not offend the Emperor of Heaven and the Devil Emperor. If your father does not die, the Feng family will not fall." , I am still a general. When I marry you, I will gradually change from a general to a general. One day, I will become a general like your father. It is just a matter of time for me.

Although the status of Grand Marshal is still not as high as that of Nangong Jin Nanji Heavenly Emperor, nor that of the Prince of Fengyun and Feng Clan, he is still above ten thousand people in the Heavenly Court.Why are you just not willing to wait? "

Feng Ling: ...! ! !

Why was she unwilling to wait at that time?
Her father is the Grand Marshal of the Heavenly Court, and she is also a High God. Although she is only married to a mere Lower God, as long as she marries Long Jue, his father will definitely support Long Jue with all his strength. From a general to a Grand Marshal, it will be sooner or later thing.

Why is she just not willing to wait?

Compared with Nangong Jinhe, who is not facially paralyzed, but Fengyun who doesn't like her at all from the beginning to the end, Long Absolute can really be said to hold it in the palm of her hand for fear of falling, and hold it in her mouth for fear of melting.

Why was she so brainless in the first place?

"Ten thousand steps back, what happened back then, but I hid your primordial spirit, if you are willing to follow me to Tianwaitian, we can live a wonderful life together. Although you only have the spirit of Sanxian strength, but I am in a state of disbelief! With me here, who would dare to bully you?"

"..." Facing Long Jue's words, Feng Ling was speechless.

At that time, she always felt that she was not reconciled, and she hadn't reached the point of desperation, so she was unwilling to be with Long Jue, and she was unwilling to be a low-level loose immortal.

Now that she has really reached this point, she realizes that if she hadn't thought about the Antarctic Emperor from the beginning, and hadn't let her father assassinate the wife and daughter of the Antarctic Emperor because of jealousy, at this moment, she is still the god of heaven, yes Daughter of the high and mighty Generalissimo.

Regret is not enough to describe Feng Ling's mood at this moment.

Now she not only lost her Yuanshen and Yuanling, but also may lose her life at any time because of tampering with Fengyun and Lingtian's fate.

Saying that life is infinite...

The life of Lingzun is indeed unlimited, but the premise is that no one more powerful than Lingzun can kill them.

If she couldn't get Feng Yun to take the initiative to protect her before the people from the Heavenly Court came down, once the people from the Feng Clan and Jiejiao came down, they would die immediately without a place to bury them.

But Feng Yun's slap on her and severely injured her today is enough to show that Feng Yun's Yuanling is about to be activated, or has already been activated.

Even if she can't get Feng Yun, she is not willing to just die with a mere Long Jue like this!

Feng Ling put on an aggrieved look, looked at Long Jue pitifully, and saw that the previous madness was no longer in his eyes, only a trace of loneliness and regret, and then said: "Brother Long Jue, I know Wrong. Everything is my fault.

You have loved me the most since I was a child, no matter what I do wrong, even if you know that my father will not blame me, you will fully bear it for me.I've known from the beginning what's on your mind.But I was spoiled by my father, and I always felt that all the good things in the world should be mine. That's why I was so ambitious and felt that only the best man in heaven was qualified to be worthy of me.

(End of this chapter)

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