Chapter 1389

That's why I'm very selfish. Even though I knew that after my father died, you were the only person in this world who treated me well, but I didn't cherish it, and even plotted against you.Brother Long Jue, after going through so much, I have truly come to my senses.Can you forgive Ling'er?Seeing you like this, Ling'er felt very sad. "

Feng Ling clings to Long Jue's body, his fingers spread and wander around his chest.Even though Long Jue hated Feng Ling very much at this moment, he loved Feng Ling as much as he hated him.

Facing this woman he had liked for countless years, Long Jue's body reacted quickly.

As soon as Feng Ling was picked up horizontally, the two began to roll wantonly on the bed where Feng Ling's primordial spirit was scattered.

Feng Ling restrained the hatred and disgust in his heart, and served Long Jue as best he could, until a few hours later, Long Jue was truly satisfied, and lay on her side, and then she lay on Long Jue's chest, whispering softly asked:

"Brother Long Jue, now that Feng Yun has escaped, his spiritual power has reached the peak of the Spirit Venerable, and the Yuan Ling has been activated, the people from the Feng Clan and Jiejiao will probably come down soon. Ling'er can accompany you The days around may be numbered.

Brother Long Jue, why don't we let go of all our grievances and grudges and go wandering around the world.Let's take a look at the great rivers and mountains in this world. After all, we have lived here for such a long time. Before we die, let's put down all the burdens and go have fun for a while! "

Long Jue turned his head to look at Feng Ling, the satisfaction on the bed just now made him even more unwilling.

He was originally a general under the command of the Marshal of the Heavenly Court, and he was many times more noble than ordinary immortals.

For the sake of the woman he loves, he ended up in this inhuman, immortal ending.Now that he is finally with the woman he loves, he has to face the wrath of Feng Clan and Jujiao before he can enjoy it. He is really reconciled.

Stretching out his hand to touch Fengling's hair, caressing her face that was completely changed but still beautiful in his heart, he said dotingly: "Don't worry, we won't die so easily."

Feng Ling's eyes flickered slightly, but on the surface he looked happy: "Really? But... Feng Yun has already activated Yuan Ling, and he will not let us go."

"Don't worry, I already have a backup."

After reconciling with Feng Ling, Long Jue's self-proclaimed name changed from Zhen to me.

"Oh? What's behind?" Feng Ling asked impatiently.

"I have already announced to the world that Emperor Wushang is Feng Yun. He has formed an alliance with demons, and now a large number of demons have entered the inner domain. Later, you and I will go to open the gate of the enchantment. When the demons from outside the domain really invade, even Those who don't believe that Feng Yun will do such a thing will also be forced to believe it.

At that time, even if Feng Yun has three heads and six arms, wouldn't he have to die aggrieved like Ling Xiao at the beginning?And he was killed by people from the Hunyuan Continent, not us.Even if the Feng Clan came down to earth, could they still kill all the people in Hunyuan Continent? "

"Then... what about Ling Tian? We changed the fate of Feng Yun and Ling Tian, ​​and made Feng Yun lose his memory. What if the people from the sect want to settle accounts with us? You know, the leader of the Tongtian sect is not a person who can Reasonable people."

"Don't forget, your and my primordial spirits are dead, and now we are just two ordinary humans in this continent."

(End of this chapter)

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