Chapter 1393

However, now there is a barrier void in the entire continent above their heads, but there is no spiritual power fluctuation of any strong people around them.

Could it be that...Feng Yun didn't believe her at all?

Otherwise, how could there be no aura of a strong man here?
Feng Ling is really not well.

Feng Yun was desperate and refused to believe her. Then when the people of the Feng clan descended to earth and wanted to kill her, wouldn't he not be able to save her?

"Ling'er, what's wrong with you? Why don't you look so good?"

Feng Ling pulled out a far-fetched smile: "It's nothing, Brother Long Jue, let's go and recruit the monsters in now."

"En." Long Jue nodded: "You bring your things, and I will take you to the outside world."

"it is good."

Feng Ling's eyes changed, and he was very annoyed.

Feng Yun, since you don't want to believe me and don't come to arrest people, don't blame me for being cruel.

When the monsters from outside the territory are attracted, you will be a sinner through the ages. Even if you are not killed by the monsters from outside the territory, you will be sprayed to death by the people of Hunyuan Continent.

Feng Ling followed Long Jue into the sky, entered the clouds, and soon came to the barrier.

"Brother Longjue, why didn't I feel a hole here?"

"I set up a fairy array here, so you can't feel it."

"Immortal Formation?" Feng Ling was stunned: "But you don't have any artifacts anymore, how do you want to break into this Immortal Formation?"

"I am the eye of the array."

After finishing speaking, Long Jue slashed his wrist, and blood flowed out from the wound on his wrist like a bright red ribbon, drawing a sickle pattern in the void.

After the bloody sickle took shape, it emitted a golden light.

When the light radiated, the entire space was distorted.

In the space where there was no difference in spiritual power in normal times, an extremely evil aura suddenly poured in.

Feng Ling also invited out his summoner at this time, and a black wave of light fluctuated rapidly, quickly attracting countless monsters outside this area.

The moment they saw Feng Ling, the monsters from outside the territory were instantly excited.

"My little ones have seen the Phantom King! Thank you Phantom King for opening the door to the inner domain for us."

Feng Ling nodded slightly, eyes full of disgust and dislike, and said coldly: "The enchantment has been opened, you can enter the Hunyuan Continent immediately."

The little demons were overjoyed when they heard this.

"Long live the Illusory Demon King! Little ones, go and report to the King, and let the King bring an army of demons inside."

"No need." Feng Ling stopped and said, "You go in first, the more people go in, the better. I will inform the king of the rest."

The demons didn't think too much about it, and after hearing Feng Ling's words, they immediately became overwhelmed.

When the Hunyuan Continent appeared in this void, they had already taken a fancy to the abundant spiritual power of this continent.Helplessly, this is a land of cultivating immortals, and demons cannot enter it.

For thousands of years, they have tried their best to break through the barrier, but to no avail.

Now Lord Huanmo actually helped them break through two barriers together with Emperor Zhongzhou, allowing them to enter the Hunyuan Continent now, how could this make them unhappy?

"Thank you, the Illusory Demon King! The Illusory Demon King is indeed the most charming king in the history of my demon clan! After entering the Hunyuan Continent, the little ones will definitely occupy the land of the mainland as soon as possible, so that the kings will have a piece of land after entering the Hunyuan Continent. Our own battlefield!"

(End of this chapter)

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