Chapter 1394

The little demon's scarlet eyes were full of excitement and bloodthirsty killing intent.

They can't wait to destroy the humans in Hunyuan Continent.

One day, the entire Hunyuan Continent will belong to their demon clan!

However, Feng Ling once again rejected the demons' proposal.

"After entering Hunyuan Continent, the first thing you have to do is to spread out and create trouble everywhere."

"Phantom King, why is this?"

"Because the determination of warriors in this continent to fight against demons is the same as your determination to occupy the Hunyuan Continent. They have a leader named Feng Yun. He is the son of the lord Feng Qing, and he is from the original Dongzhou Continent. Prince Yong."

"The person the Illusory Demon King is talking about is the Prince Yong Fengyun who killed countless demon clansmen of mine 20 years ago?"


"Didn't he blew himself up on the battlefield? The younger one also participated in the battle back then, and the younger one saw him blew himself up with the reinforcements brought by the demons and the Great Emperor of Central Continent in order to kill my demon clansmen. How could he still be alive?"

"He is a phoenix, immortal. Although he blew himself up, he was reborn again. But he never forgot to seek revenge from the Holy Monarch and the demon clan.

In order to make him a target, Shengjun misled the warriors in Hunyuan Continent, saying that he was in collusion with you.Now, countless warriors have gathered in Dongzhou to kill him.So the purpose of your entering the Hunyuan Continent this time is not to fight a bloody path for the king, but to spread out as quickly as possible, and spread the word throughout the continent that you have teamed up with Feng Yun to dominate the Hunyuan Continent.From now on, you will respect Fengyun as the master of Hunyuan Continent. "

When the demons heard this, they burst out laughing.

"Master Huanmo, the little ones already understand what you said. Isn't what you are talking about back then His Royal Highness Shengjun played the trick of framing? Back then, Emperor Zhongzhou was able to frame Emperor Dongzhou, saying that he was in collusion with demons. Today When we enter the Hunyuan Continent, we will frame Fengyun in the same way.

snort!Back then, relying on his body as a beast, he searched for the scent and almost killed all the generals of my monster clan. Our monster clan and his hatred were utterly irreconcilable.If the king knows that he is still alive, he will definitely use all his strength to kill Feng Yun completely, just like killing Feng Qing, the lord of the Hunyuan Continent, and the four great beasts! "

Long Jue, who had been silent all this time, nodded: "Since you already know what to do, then organize your people immediately and enter the inland area. Let me and the phantom do the job of informing your king. Your purpose of entering the Hunyuan Continent , is to create the illusion that Feng Yun is in collusion with foreign monsters, and make him a target of public criticism. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Lord Shengjun, the little ones understand."

Soon these monsters gathered all the monsters with a radius of millions of square kilometers together through their unique methods.

The demon who participated in the war 20 years ago was promoted by Feng Ling to be the leader of the vanguard, and he led a group of demon vanguards into the Hunyuan Continent.

The elated demons in the void didn't know that their conversations with Feng Ling and Long Jue had already been transmitted to every important place in this continent through the incomparably powerful inscription pattern formation and mirror image symbols.

Wherever people from Anbu appeared, wherever people from Tianji Pavilion appeared, as well as the entire Dongzhou, Xizhou, and Beizhou, a picture suddenly appeared on the sky at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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