Chapter 1395

In the picture, they saw with their own eyes that Emperor Qianzhong of Central Continent came to a desolate place with his empress and the ten guards of Central Continent. Emperor Central Continent used his own blood as an excuse to open the channel connecting Hunyuan Continent to the outside world. .

Everyone was shocked.

Everyone is angry!

Di Qianzhong!
It's just too nasty!
The woman he married was not only a demon, but also the real murderer who killed the lord Feng Qing and the four great beasts!

Not only that, he announced to the world that Dongzhou Great Emperor Ling Xiao had colluded with foreign monsters, and he brought hundreds of thousands of masters to prevent the invasion of foreign monsters, causing hundreds of thousands of Central Continent masters to perish.

But now everyone knows that not only did he kill his mentor and the four great beasts, but he also designed to frame Ling Xiao, the Great Emperor of Dongzhou.

They just said, how could Emperor Ling Xiao, such a righteous person, collude with demons from outside the territory.

Even though Di Qianzhong had produced evidence that when they went to fight against foreign monsters, Ling Xiao and the people in Dongzhou fought with them one by one, but there are still many people who don't believe that Ling Xiao is such a person.

Now all the truth is revealed.

It turned out that Di Qianzhong was the one who colluded with the foreign monsters.

He was the one who betrayed the entire Hunyuan Continent.

His empress is a monster, which made countless people feel that the back of the neck is cold.

"Di Qianzhong is simply too much."

"The beginning and the end are too much, it is completely shameless!"

"That's right! He's really betraying mankind! To even marry a demon as his wife is a complete betrayer."

"By the way, doesn't he even think monsters are disgusting? He can even deal with such disgusting monsters."

"Can you focus on the key points?"

"Yeah, this situation is not the time to discuss whether Emperor Qianzhong is disgusting or shameless. He has already attracted demons from outside the territory, what should we do?"

"What should I do? Of course, I will swear to the death to resist the invasion of those monsters!"

"Then... who will be the leader?"



After a brief silence, someone finally spoke.

"Feng Yun!"

"Yes, Feng Yun! He is the real young master of our Hunyuan Continent!"

"Not only that, but he is also the adoptive son of Emperor Dongzhou and Prince Yong of Dongzhou. No one is more suitable to be the leader this time."

"Fortunately, we have seen such an ugly side of Di Qianzhong, otherwise we would have been deceived and helped him kill Fengyun."

"Huan Fengyun! He is the son of the lord, the real prince of our Hunyuan Continent! Before we didn't know that he was the prince, so we were suspicious of him, and almost fell into the way of Emperor Qianzhong. Now that we know him Hunyuan Continent should not have five continents from now on. After all, it was because the lord died fighting against demons, and none of his five disciples obeyed the other. The mainland is divided into five parts. Now that His Royal Highness has appeared, even the great emperors of all continents have no reason not to listen to the Lord!"

"So what should we do now?"

"Of course, rush to Beizhou, and release the news at the same time, all our casual cultivators fully support the lord, and are willing to follow the lord to fight against foreign demons!"

"it is good!"


Almost the same dialogue was repeated throughout the Hunyuan Continent.

 I recommend my friends to have a new book. It is purely old-fashioned, double-written, very distinctive.
  Author: Jun Anan,
  Book title: After being abandoned by the genius doctor, the tyrant, addicted to pets,


  Introduction: She is Tang Yunge, a doctor of medicine in the 22nd century. An explosion brought her to this unknown world, with a look of ignorance about the past and the future.

  He is Ji Wulie, and he loves her like his life, but she joins forces with other men to destroy his world, take his life, and comes back from rebirth, but unexpectedly she is not her.

  He hated her to the bone, and he only wanted revenge, but he couldn't stop her from being cruel.

  Unexpectedly, she sent up a copy of Heli Shu and wanted to pat her ass and leave, which made him gnash his teeth in hatred, and completely pinned her down on the bed: "You are my woman, where do you want to go?"


(End of this chapter)

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