Chapter 1397

If you are against Di Qianzhong, you are against three-fifths of the entire Hunyuan Continent!
These casual cultivators, together with the millions of soldiers from Beizhou, can fight against the power of the three continents of Central Continent, West Continent and East Continent?
Just when everyone was feeling a little heavy, Bei Xuanmo, the great emperor of Xizhou, spoke.

"I am Bei Xuanmo, the great emperor of Xizhou. Did everyone think that I was the former right prime minister of Zhongzhou, so they compared me with Emperor Qianzhong?"


Is not it?

The warriors in Hunyuan Continent were a little dazed, staring intently at the shrewd Emperor Xizhou in the void.

"Before following Emperor Qianzhong, entering Central Continent, and becoming Prime Minister You, I was the son of Lord Feng Qing and Feng Yun's guard."


The whole continent is in an uproar again!

Guard! ! !

Bei Xuanmo, the great emperor of Xizhou, turned out to be the guard of the new lord Feng Yun!


After hearing such a dramatic sentence, all the warriors couldn't help laughing.

Di Qianzhong is an idiot who has calculated thousands of tricks, and thought he was so smart, but the most trusted person around him turned out to be Feng Yun's guard!
This big reversal came so wonderfully, it was like a slap in the face!
"My lord, Feng Qing, joins hands with the four great beasts to defend against foreign monsters. In order to provide the people of the Hunyuan Continent with a peaceful and peaceful living environment, he will sacrifice his own life to protect the safety of the Hunyuan Continent. I appeal, Every warrior who loves the land of Hunyuan Continent, loves his homeland, and loves his relatives and children, everyone should take action and swear to fight against the demons outside the territory!"

After finishing speaking, Beixuanmo threw five soldier symbols into the sky.

Since the death of the former Emperor Xizhou, Xizhou soldiers only obeyed the orders of the soldiers.The five soldier talismans represent the millions of lions in Xizhou.

Originally, everyone felt sad because of the death of their own emperor and the occupation of their homeland by Zhongzhou. Now, after knowing that the current emperor is actually the master, everyone became excited like a chicken blood.

What excites everyone is yet to come.

After Beixuan finished speaking in ink, three generals in golden armor walked into the camera with iron and blood.

"The Last General Mo Weiyan"

"The Last General Fan Fu"

"Last General Ji Chongguang"

"Follow the lord to the death! Crusade Emperor Qianzhong! Fight against foreign demons!"

The entire Hunyuan Continent was in an uproar again.

These three turned out to be the three generals under the command of Emperor Xizhou back then!According to legend, the general who has died!

The moment the million-strong army of Xizhou saw the appearance of the three generals, they fell into a dead silence. After the death silence, cheers resounded throughout the entire world.

After all, most of these soldiers in Xizhou, even the current generals, were brought out by these three people.

The admiration of millions of soldiers for these three people is definitely far greater than the admiration for Emperor Xizhou.

Under the leadership of the three generals, the blood of the soldiers boiled instantly, and they swore hoarsely:

"Follow the lord to the death! Crusade Emperor Qianzhong! Fight against foreign demons!"

"Follow the lord to the death! Crusade Emperor Qianzhong! Fight against foreign demons!"

"Follow the lord to the death! Crusade Emperor Qianzhong! Fight against foreign demons!"

The boiling passion in the Xizhou Emperor Palace made all the people in the Hunyuan Continent feel excited.

At this moment, not only the warriors of the Hunyuan Continent, but also the common people who have no strength to restrain a chicken, are also enthusiastic.

(End of this chapter)

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