Chapter 1398

A word called "justice" and "faith" in everyone's heart was instantly ignited.

However, in the void of passion, the mirror image symbol changed direction again at this moment.

It's a bit old and in disrepair, but outside the majestic imperial palace, there is awe.

Millions of soldiers were dressed in black armor, standing upright in the void outside the imperial palace.

"This...isn't Dongzhou?"

"Probably not. It may be Nanzhou!"

"I also think it's Nanzhou. After all, the current Emperor Xizhou is Gu Qianchou. He and the former Emperor Xizhou are sworn brothers."

"But I think this is the Dongzhou Imperial Palace! And the armor of the soldiers is also the style of the Dongzhou soldiers 20 years ago."


Just when everyone was guessing and having different opinions, Gu Junyan's handsome face appeared in the mirror image symbol.

Everyone gasped when they saw Gu Qianchou.

Many people have seen Gu Qianchou's appearance, just in that Three Continents Contest.

Even though everyone had already had some uncertain guesses when they saw Gu Qianchou appear, but when Gu Qianchou spoke, everyone was still shocked.

"Everyone must be wondering why I, as the Great Emperor of Dongzhou, the former Grand Marshal of Xizhou, and the running dog of the Emperor of Zhongzhou, will appear in this mirror image symbol. Today, in front of all the conscientious people in the Hunyuan Continent, I will make a new one. Introduce myself. I am Gu Junyan, the former Generalissimo of Dongzhou!"

The whole continent is in an uproar again!

Ever since the Mirror Image Talisman appeared in the void, there have been endless things that shocked everyone.

The much-anticipated Great Emperor of Dongzhou, the former Generalissimo of Xizhou, and the super general Gu Qianchou whom Emperor Qianzhong favored turned out to be the former Generalissimo of Dongzhou, the only son of the Gu family, Gu Junyan, who was amazingly talented and brilliant! ! !
"At that time, the barrier over Dongzhou continent suddenly broke, and a large number of monsters marched into Dongzhou. The emperor of Dongzhou led millions of Dongzhou soldiers to the front line at the first time, fighting bloody battles with monsters from outside the territory. In order to let more people join the defense battle Later, Emperor Dongzhou attempted to announce the invasion of monsters from outside the territory to the world.

But we fought bloody battles on the front line, but the people we sent never returned.After that, the periphery of the entire front line was completely blocked by a powerful force.Before the great war, the Emperor's Monument of Sealing Demons was stolen, and then foreign monsters invaded.I, Dongzhou's millions of soldiers swore to the death to resist the monsters, and finally defeated the monsters with a weak and tragic victory.

But when the demons threw away their helmets and armor and fled for their lives, Di Qianzhong entered the battlefield with 30 masters above the Qingling Emperor, and launched a tragic massacre against our Dongzhou soldiers.

After a full three months of bloody fighting among millions of soldiers in Dongzhou, only 7 people died.Each of these 7 people is suffering from injuries, and they are unable to face Di Qianzhong's people at all.

In the end, my senior brother, the son of the lord Fengqing, Prince Yong of Dongzhou, Fengyun, rushed to the enemy camp first, and blew himself up in stealth.After severely injuring the enemy, the remaining [-] soldiers in Dongzhou, including Emperor Ling Xiao and Empress Bai Yunjian, also blew themselves up one after another.

The 30 masters brought by Di Qianzhong were all wiped out, and Di Qian was seriously injured.And I, in order to increase the intensity of the explosion, blew myself up together with the emperor and the empress.Unexpectedly, at the last moment, at the moment of the explosion, the emperor used his soul power to throw me off the cliff, allowing me to survive. "

(End of this chapter)

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