Chapter 1399

"In the past 20 years, I have lived in pain every day, and every night I can think of the grief and indignation of millions of soldiers in Dongzhou who fought bloody battles, but finally died at the hands of my own people. I swear, I must avenge the millions of brothers in Dongzhou!

Today, I live up to my brother's high hopes and take over Dongzhou again.Today, I announce that everyone in Dongzhou will follow the Lord to the death!Defeat Emperor Qianzhong!Fight against alien monsters!Whoever dares to disobey is a traitor, and all traitors have only one end, that is..."

After Gu Junyan's words fell, hundreds of civil and military ministers who were sent from Zhongzhou to Dongzhou to supervise were stripped of their spiritual power, and they were all tied up in the air.

Gu Junyan pulled out the spirit sword at his waist, and shouted angrily——


Hundreds of human heads fell to the ground collectively.




Most of Dongzhou's soldiers are newly recruited, and many of them used to be from Dongzhou's old troops.There are still many people who don't understand Gu Junyan's identity, and after trying to sneak in, they try to find a way to disrupt the order of the Dongzhou Imperial Palace.

Unexpectedly, the new Dongzhou Great Emperor turned out to be Gu Junyan, the Generalissimo of Dongzhou they once worshiped.After listening to Emperor Dongzhou's unbearable past, the anger in everyone's hearts reached its peak.

The anger and blood in the chest had already boiled and almost evaporated, and everyone's eyes were red, shouting "Kill, kill, kill".

Pointing his sword to the sky, Gu Junyan solemnly swore: "I will follow the lord to the death! Crusade against Emperor Qianzhong! Fight against foreign demons!"

"Follow the lord to the death! Crusade Emperor Qianzhong! Fight against foreign demons!"

"Follow the lord to the death! Crusade Emperor Qianzhong! Fight against foreign demons!"

"Follow the lord to the death! Crusade Emperor Qianzhong! Fight against foreign demons!"

The sound of the oath resounded through the sky.

Everyone was shocked for a long while, and then gradually there was a voice to speak.

"The great emperors of Dongzhou, Xizhou, and Beizhou have already sworn an oath. How can the Nanzhou continent have to express its position in the face of Emperor Qianzhong's betrayal?"

Sure enough, the next moment, the mirror image symbol switched to the emperor's palace in Nanzhou.

In the Nanzhou Emperor Palace, Cheng Jinhan, the Great Emperor of Nanzhou, has already stood majestically in the air with a million Nanzhou army.

"I am the disciple of the lord Fengqing. Among the five senior brothers and sisters, I have the best relationship with Di Qianzhong. After the sacrifice of Master, I was once deceived by Di Qianzhong. Now, Di Qianzhong's true face is exposed, and I know It turned out that I had been trusting the wrong people.

I am the disciple of the lord Feng Qing, and I am willing to follow the lord's will.Here, I swear to everyone: Follow the Lord to the death!Defeat Emperor Qianzhong!Fight against alien monsters! "

"Follow the lord to the death! Crusade Emperor Qianzhong! Fight against foreign demons!"

"Follow the lord to the death! Crusade Emperor Qianzhong! Fight against foreign demons!"

"Follow the lord to the death! Crusade Emperor Qianzhong! Fight against foreign demons!"

Although the soldiers on the South Continent were not as angry as those in Beizhou, Xizhou, and Dongzhou, they were still very excited and excited.

They understand that they are part of the Hunyuan Continent.Speaking of fighting demons, as soldiers, they also do their part.

To put it bluntly, if the monster really came, how could there be any eggs under the overturned nest?If the monster really came, it would be their family members who would suffer.

Therefore, defending their hometown and relatives is what every soldier must do, and he is willing to pay the price of his life for it.

They are different from their great emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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