My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1407 Pinching the Spirit Venerable

Chapter 1407 Pinching the Spirit Venerable

A pure black spiritual power began to flow from Feng Yun's body, and it seemed as if the blood of the people in the Hunyuan Continent had been evaporated to dryness in an instant.

"My God! It turned out to be black!"

"Pure black!"

"My lord's spiritual power has already reached the peak of the Spirit Venerable."

"Hahahaha! This stupid pig almost hit the muzzle of a gun!"

"Look, why is the spiritual power on the lord changing color?"

Everyone opened their mouths wide, watching helplessly that the color of the spiritual power on Feng Yun's body was slowly fading from black until it turned gray.

The face of the pinnacle-level Lingzun with an ugly complexion suddenly improved.

"Feng Yun, your spiritual power has not reached the peak of the Spirit Venerable at all, has it? You can emit black spiritual power, but you just want to deceive the deity and make the deity feel afraid!"

Feng Yun raised a smile at the corner of his lips, glanced at the spiritual power around his body that had turned light gray and gradually turned to silver, felt the dantian that seemed to be undergoing earth-shaking changes, although he didn't know what was wrong with him, But he could feel that although he was still above the peak of Lingzun, his spiritual power was slowly increasing.

It wasn't until the spiritual power around his body had completely turned into the same silver-gray color as his hair and eyes, that Feng Yun slowly said: "Didn't Di Qianzhong tell you that the spiritual power of this deity has reached the peak of the spiritual master?" Yet?"

The pupils of the peak Lingzun master suddenly shrank, and he roared: "Help me!"

It's a pity that Long Jue and Feng Ling, who had already gone outside the barrier, didn't hear it, and the other eight high-ranking Lingzun masters who heard the cry for help just wanted to move, and the four immortal spirit weapon fighters flew away. Already sensitively blocked their way.

After that, the eight high-ranking masters of Lingzun could only watch helplessly as Feng Yun, who was exuding silver-gray spiritual power, stretched out his hand, and slowly pinched their colleague's neck, crushing him with absolute spiritual power, and they will never die. The master at the peak level of Lingzun was crushed.


exploded! !
The peak master of Lingzun was directly crushed by Feng Yun! ! !
The man who clearly looked like a god looked like Shura harvesting life at this moment, causing the remaining eight high-ranking spirit masters to enter a state of horror in an instant.

Shengjun... really didn't tell them that Feng Yun had already reached the peak of Lingzun!

He only said that Feng Yun is now a master of Lingzun, and he just asked them to be careful.

If they knew that Feng Yun was already above the peak level, even if they came here with Shengjun, they would definitely not guard here alone.

Facing someone more powerful than them, they either gave up resisting, or followed Shengjun every step of the way.

Seeing the uncontrollable expressions of fear of the eight people, the emotions of the people in Hunyuan Continent were all ignited.

I am extremely grateful to those who created this grand mirror image scene, and let all of them witness what happened today.

The originally angry human warrior felt that today was even more lively than the Chinese New Year.

Contrary to the happiness in everyone's hearts, the eight spiritual masters saw that the situation was not right, they didn't even look at each other, and ran away at the fastest speed in all directions.

"No, they're leaving."

The audience shouted, wishing Megatron and his four Transformers could hear them.

The speed of the eight Lingzun is fast, and the speed of the Four King Kong is even faster than them.

(End of this chapter)

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