Chapter 1408

"Dare to run?" The Fallen King Kong controlled by Yaoyue roared extremely domineeringly.

Two golden bolts of lightning shot out from the two cannon barrels.

The lightning was as fast as lightning, and in less than a blink of an eye, he caught up with the two people who had fled at first, and then only heard two screams of "ahhh", and the two masters at the peak of Lingzun were injured.

The two masters standing at the peak of the Hunyuan Continent, at this moment, the skin of the whole body is like coke, but the inside is red and white, and the whole body is smoking.

This Corrupted King Kong's one attack actually scorched two masters at the peak of Lingzun.

Although they were only scorched, those two people did not die, and the remaining six people also stopped under the obstruction of Megatron, Galvatron and Yu Tiandi, staring at their colleagues without blinking, I even forgot to run away.

"Hiss—what a domineering attack."

"It turned out that it was only two attacks that seriously injured two masters at the peak of the Spirit Venerable! Is this the power of an immortal spirit weapon?"

"This celestial spirit tool is simply too domineering. It is a thousand times more terrifying than the Demon Sealing Tablet!"

"What method did the Fallen King Kong use? What are those two golden rays of light? Why does it look like lightning?"

"Have you ever seen golden lightning?"

People are still guessing, those two were seriously injured, but at this moment the terrified Lingzun pinnacle masters exclaimed in unison: "Ancient tribulation thunder?!"


The other six Lingzun masters who seemed to be talking about cross talk exclaimed at the same time: "Ancient robbery?"

"That's right, it's the ancient tribulation thunder! It's the legendary ancient tribulation thunder! How could you even use the ancient robbery thunder? The ancient robbery thunder is the kind of tribulation thunder that the gods and gods can only face when they upgrade and break through the shackles. Human warriors, even if they break through to the peak of the Spirit Venerable, all they have to face is the Purple Cloud Tribulation Thunder, but you, how can you get all the ancient robbery thunders into your bag?"

"Are you two sure it's the ancient tribulation thunder?" asked one of the six Spirit Venerables.

"Nonsense, it's all hitting us, how can we not know? If Zixiao Jielei, with our strength, can we be seriously injured in just one blow?"

In the terrified voices, the shock and greed of the two of them could not be concealed.

"Who is your Excellency? Not only did you refine this immortal spirit tool that can fight, but you also took all the ancient tribulation thunders into your bag."

"Based on you, you are not qualified to know who we are."

A beautiful woman's voice suddenly appeared in the void, causing everyone's spirits to tremble.

it is good……

What a nice voice!
Clear and gentle, like a gurgling stream from melting spring snow.

Is it the owner of this voice who refined this heaven-defying celestial artifact?

Simply incredible.

Hearing the woman's voice, the eight Lingzun even forgot the loss they had suffered just now.After all, in terms of cultivation, women are naturally inferior to men.So when they heard Ling Tian's voice, the eight of them forgot how dangerous their current situation was, and said with a smile, "So you're a master craftsman!"

"For the sake of refining so many fairy artifacts, as long as you disarm and surrender immediately, and dedicate these four fairy artifacts of yours and the ancient Lei Jie you have collected to the Holy King, we I can guarantee that you will not die!"

Listening to what one of the Lingzun said, the people exploded in an instant.

"It's really shameless!"

(End of this chapter)

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