Chapter 1409

"So shameless!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

Where the eight Lingzun could not hear, the people of the entire continent were erupting, shouting "Kill them!"
Although the three Ling Tian sisters couldn't hear the crowd's anger, they were a group of beauties who couldn't stand it.

Especially the grumpy Ye girl, she became angry instantly after hearing the words of the six spiritual masters.

"Fuck! A group of idiots! Xiaotian, stop playing with them, kill them!"

"Eat me a monkey Sai Lei!"

As soon as the fallen King Kong controlled by Yaoyue finished speaking, those spiritual masters came back from their imaginings. They regretted that they had said such words beyond their limits.

However, the other three King Kongs were stronger and fiercer than the Fallen King Kongs just now, and the eight cannon barrels on one fuselage spit out the golden lightning of the ancient thunder calamity at the same time.

For a moment, golden lightning bolts intertwined in the void, forming a series of beautiful and gorgeous yet scalp-numbing grids, trapping the eight Spiritual Venerables in the middle, screaming like pigs.

"My mother asked you to dance "Uneasy" live!"

What do you mean?
The crowd who were fascinated were slightly taken aback. While admiring the abnormal attack power of these Transformers, they also admired the woman named Xiao Tian'er.

This cutscene...

It's really not ordinary.

In the next moment, Miss Ye explained well what it meant to have the eight spiritual masters dance "Uneasy".

Because the entire Hunyuan Continent suddenly remembered a burst of ecstasy singing.


The masses: ... =_=! !
Originally, the common people were a little incapable of accepting this kind of bluffing music, but when the four Transformers made the ancient thunder robbery stop and turn according to the pause and turn of the music, the eight spirit venerables also attacked the ancient gods who were on them. After Lei Jie made corresponding expressions, such as fear, pain, protruding eyes, and hanging tongue, the people of the entire Hunyuan Continent were amused by the magic of the music.They held their bellies in their hands, and some laughed lowly, even laughing until they were lying sprawled on the ground.

Originally, people were still imagining in their minds how amazing and beautiful the girl Tian'er, who was as white as snow melting, was, but at this moment, everyone's image of Tian'er, who had never shown her face, was fixed as eccentric.

It's just too good to play!
Not only were the eight spiritual masters about to be completely ruined by this Tian'er girl, but even the sacred catastrophe of the ancient thunder catastrophe, which was only related to gods, was also ruined by Tian'er girl.

Is there anything else this girl can't play?
When "Uneasy" sang to the climax of "Ah-ah-ah-ah-", the hairs of the eight Lingzuns all stood up in the air, and everyone's facial expressions were all because of this extreme Pain revealed a ferocious and comical expression, which made people laugh.

After the last singing of "Ah Ya Yo", Lei Jie stopped.

The lives of the eight spiritual masters also came to a perfect end at this moment.

"To be a hero in life, and to be a hero in death. You can't be a hero and a hero in ghost, at least you entertain everyone. You deserve to die!"

Jing Potian's voice came out with a cold and weird but funny enough content, and everyone was out of breath from laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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