Chapter 1410

This is the first time that everyone has seen such a wonderful scene of the Lingzun duel.

After the four King Kongs took care of the eight Spirit Venerables, they landed on the ground again without making any more noise.

The atmosphere calmed down instantly from the warm and funny atmosphere before.

Everyone knows that it won't be long before they will face the demon and Di Qianzhong.

You know, Di Qianzhong is the number one expert in the entire Hunyuan Continent.All the people were sweating for their lord and the woman named Xiao Tian'er.

About an hour later, countless foreign monsters began to emerge from the shattered void barrier, and the people of the entire Hunyuan Continent clenched their toes.

There are so many monsters, at first glance, the number is tens of thousands.These ugly monsters roared, screamed, and let out sharp laughter unscrupulously, rushing in from outside the barrier.

"Little ones, disperse to all parts of the world and spread the news that we must respect Fengyun first."


The voices of the monsters are ugly, and the swelling is even more ugly. It is rare for a few of them to look like normal people, which makes people feel nauseous at first glance.

After the monsters responded, they planned to disperse.

"Where are you going?"

Suddenly, a nice female voice sounded.Although the people outside the mirror image couldn't see anyone, they could hear the woman's voice.

little boy!
The monsters also heard the sound, and they all stopped to look at the place where the sound came from.

A woman, wearing a fiery red war robe, with black hair fluttering in the wind like silk, with a slender back and an exquisite body, even if Xiao Tian'er's face cannot be seen from the position of the mirror image symbol, just looking at her head, Everyone knew that this must be a peerless beauty.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but sweat for Xiao Tian'er, watching the mirror image nervously, for fear of missing any details.

When the monsters saw the woman who stopped them clearly, their cloudy eyes lit up instantly.

"Hehe, where did you come from, Mei Jiao Niang?"

"Do all human women look like this?"

"It's so beautiful!"

"Report to the commander, can the little one take her away and let her give birth to a little demon?"

Before Feng Yun had time to kill the monster who blasphemed Ling Tian, ​​he was beaten up by the monsters beside him.

"Fuck off! How dare you eat swan meat like a toad!"

"She's me!"

"It's me! She can only give birth to little demons for me!"

"Shut up for me!"

The commander-in-chief shouted angrily: "Is it all against me? I am the commander-in-chief, and you all have to listen to me. I also like this woman, and she is mine! Anyone who robs me will have trouble with the commander-in-chief." !"

Demons: ...shameless!
"The women in the inner domain are very beautiful. If you are interested, the commander will give you permission to rob them at will. As long as you like it, brothers, you can do whatever you want!"

The monsters who were originally not happy about being promoted from a small minion to a grand commander immediately boiled over after hearing what the grand commander said.



There was only a muffled sound, and the demon commander who had just entered the human world less than 2 minutes ago exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

The next moment, the blood mist dissipated, and a cloud of black mist re-condensed.

Monsters from outside the territory can be said to be immortal, even if they are dead, they can re-condense their form, and then slowly form flesh and blood.But when they don't have flesh and blood, what they fear most are warriors with fire-type spiritual power.

 The buildings are built in order, the 2nd, 7th, and 12th floors are the winning readers, and the following buildings are invalid.

(End of this chapter)

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