Chapter 1411

The reason why foreign monsters are difficult to kill is that they not only have high spiritual power, but also must be killed once. After re-condensing their bodies, they will be burned to death by fire-type spiritual power warriors before they can really die.

"Who? Who killed the commander just now?"

The demon commander looked in the direction of attacking him, and immediately, Feng Yun's angry face appeared in front of everyone.

"Who are you?" The demon commander narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked with a slightly apprehensive expression.

Feng Yun smiled: "Didn't you tell Huanmo and Di Qianzhong just now that you want to respect this king as your lord? Why, now that your lord is here, why don't you kneel down?"

Demons: ...! ! !
What's the situation?

Why did they meet this ancestor just after entering the domain?

For Feng Yun, the evil god, all the monsters from outside the territory who participated in the war 20 years ago all have lingering fears.

Because the flame on Feng Yun's body is very evil, even if it is poured with water, it can't be extinguished. As long as it is burned, unless it is extinguished by a demon with high spiritual power using spiritual power, it will only be a dead end.

To be honest, in front of a crowd of newborn monsters, to those monsters who have never seen the Demon Sealing Tablet, Feng Yun is simply a human flesh Sealing Demon Tablet.

"You lowly monsters, since you want to respect this king as your lord, you dare to miss this king's wife. You are simply impatient to live. This king is in a good mood today, so let you go. You, cut yourself off! "

Demons: ...! !

People in Hunyuan Continent: ...hahahaha

Didn't a group of stupid demons want to make the people of the Hunyuan Continent fight among themselves and make them misunderstand their lord?Nima doesn't even know what her lord looks like, so she came to the lower realm, can she be any more stupid?

Although there are tens of thousands of demons, they are not enough to look at Feng Yun in an instant.

Without further ado, the demons turned around and prepared to flee.

The people almost stopped breathing in an instant.

Although we already know who these monsters are colluding with, once these monsters enter the human world, it will be very troublesome.

Seeing the fleeing monsters scattered in all directions, Feng Yun prepared to burn them to death with the fire of Nirvana.For him now, this is simply no effort at all.

"I come!"

Ling Tian's charming voice, who had been facing the mirror image talisman all the time, sounded again. The next moment, he had already purchased a fairy-grade weapon refiner, and reforged the magic-sealing tablet with a purely refining method, and strengthened the new magic-sealing tablet. It has been taken out of her space.

"What is Tian'er holding in his hand?"

"It looks like a small tombstone!"

"The Demon-Sealing Monument! It's the Demon-Sealing Monument! It was once an immortal spiritual weapon forged by Lord Fengqing with the fire of Nirvana, but it was lost later. Unexpectedly, Tian'er got it!"

"Is it really the Demon Sealing Monument?"

"I'm sure this is the Demon Sealing Tablet, because I was lucky enough to see how the Demon Sealing Tablet kills demons. This is the nemesis of demons. It will suck demons into the body of the tablet. The more monsters it absorbs, the more energy the Demon Sealing Tablet will have. bigger."

Almost as soon as the warrior's voice fell, in the scene of the mirror image talisman, the Demon Sealing Tablet had already come out of Ling Tian's hand.

An inconspicuous stone tablet that was only about 30 centimeters in size, turned into the size of a mountain in an instant after being held in the hand, and then the black laser-like rays of light suddenly exploded, as if they were in full bloom There are many dazzling black snow lotuses.

(End of this chapter)

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