Chapter 1417

Feng Ling thought that Long Jue had softened his heart, so he seized the opportunity and said, "Brother Long Jue, you love me, right? I only made a deal with Feng Yun because I wanted to live too much. Since your heart softened, we Just make up, okay?"

"Soft-hearted?" Long Jue recovered from his astonishment, and sneered, "You think I was stunned just because my heart was soft?"

"Isn't it? You obviously don't want to kill me. You don't want to!"

"No, you're wrong, I'm willing to! I was stunned just now, I just woke up."


"From the beginning of Heaven, to the time when we met again, you said again and again, as if what you said before. Feng Ling, with your IQ and EQ, you don't even care about what you say to survive. I really don't know why I was blind and fell in love with a woman like you!"

Feng Ling: "..."

"A woman like you doesn't deserve any mercy and love at all. You should just die!"

At this moment, Long Jue's eyes were full of crazy regret.

If he could have seen Feng Ling's true face earlier, he would not have helped her at all.

So now, he is still a well-known general in the heavenly court.In the eyes of countless fairies in the fairy world, there is an existence that can't be dreamed of.

What the hell did he do to make himself like this for such a disgusting woman?
Long Jue's spiritual power soared: "Feng Ling, go to hell!"

The black spiritual power spread wantonly, like raging black fire, surrounding Feng Ling's body.

"Long Jue, you can't kill me! My father is your kindness! Without my father, you are nothing!"

"But your father is already dead! He was killed by you bitch! And I became like this because of you. I have repaid your father's kindness a thousand times already!
Feng Ling, I hate you!If it wasn't for you, I would still be the general of the Heavenly Court!Even if I can't meet your father, with my supernatural power, I can live a good life in Heaven.It's all you, a loser woman!go to hell! "


Feng Ling's primordial spirit has been destroyed by Long Jue, the current Feng Ling is actually just a phantom possessing Feng Ling's soul.

The phantom demon's spiritual power is only at the peak of the spirit master, and has not yet reached the peak. It has no chance of winning against a person who is three levels above the peak like God Qianzhong.

"Long...Brother Long Jue...I...I was wrong...Please...let me go! I...I don't dare to time, you..."

What Feng Ling said was still exactly the same as before, even Long Jue found it dull when he heard it.

This woman has only the same template for apologizing, which is: Brother Long Jue, I was wrong, please forgive (let go) me, I will never dare again.If you let me go, I will definitely xxx in the future...

How stupid he was back then to be deceived by such a woman who had no EQ and didn't even care about apologizing. He knew that she didn't love him at all, but he wanted to move her wholeheartedly.

The farmer and the snake are talking about him and this woman, right? !
The spiritual power in Feng Ling's whole body was completely suppressed by Long Jue, and he couldn't lift it up at all.Feeling that with a little more strength, his neck would be broken, thinking that his current soul is already a remnant soul after being seized, and it is impossible for such a remnant soul to seize others, Feng Ling fell into complete fear among.

(End of this chapter)

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