Chapter 1418

"Let... let go! Long Jue... you let go! You... a villain who repays virtue with hatred! Have you forgotten how my father treated you back then? I am... I am your young lady, what do you have... kill me? Let...let go!"

However, the movements of Long Jue's hands did not become lighter because of Feng Ling's words.

"Bitch, meeting you in this life is a catastrophe for me, Longjue! If I hadn't met you, I, Longjue, wouldn't even be a great general, and now I am a god that all immortals look up to. But because of you, I not only abandoned God You have caused me to be like this because of my identity, and you have the face to mention this to me? Go to hell!"


Feng Ling was pinched by Long Jue with one hand and exploded in the eyes of everyone.

Seeing this, Feng Yun frowned slightly, and immediately transmitted a secret voice to all the friends present.

"Long Jue's strength is more than three levels above the peak."

After hearing Feng Yun's reminder, everyone couldn't help frowning.

That's right, Feng Ling's strength had already reached its peak, even if Long Jue was three levels higher than him, he wouldn't be able to strangle her to death with one hand.

It feels like strangling Feng Ling to death is like strangling an ordinary person who has no strength to restrain a chicken.At least with their current strength above the peak of Lingzun, it is impossible.

At that moment, all the people who were ready to face the battle felt a little tight in their hearts.

After Feng Ling's body exploded, a puff of black smoke didn't condense into shape, but scattered in all directions.She can faintly see the afterimage of her fleeing.

Looking at the scattered shadows, Long Jue tightened his hands hanging on both sides, but he still couldn't kill them all.

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows slightly: "It seems that you are not the kind of person who is extremely bad. She has betrayed you so much and I am sorry for you. In the end, you still let her go."

Long never responded to Ling Tian's words.

Because he knew that he shouldn't be soft-hearted anymore.

He is a dignified general in the heaven, just to save this woman, he has fallen to his current fate step by step.

Feng Ling, death is not a pity.

However, when he completely killed her, leaving her with only a little soul left, seeing her terrified and hastily fleeing, it reminded him inexplicably that in the heavenly court, when she still had her father, she was raped by her. The appearance of a little princess surrounded by stars.

Feng Ling wasn't bad at first, but she was born too well, which eventually turned her pride into arrogance, arrogance and audacity.

And as the adoptive son of the master and her brother, he also has the responsibility that he cannot shirk.

Since childhood, as long as she did something wrong, no matter big or small, he would help her bear it with perseverance.

So seeing Feng Ling with only the last trace of his soul left, Long Jue finally kept his hand.

Seeing that the dragon never spoke, Feng Ling smiled and said: "It seems that you really don't intend to kill her. Since you can't do it, then let me do the next thing."

After all, Ling Tianfei walked towards the direction where Feng Ling scattered.

Seeing this, Long Jue immediately flew up, trying to stop Ling Tian, ​​but just as he moved, he was immediately stopped by Feng Yun.

"Step aside!"

Feng Yun looked at Long Jue, he didn't like him at all, and he didn't back down in the slightest due to his stature.

"You think you can stop me?"

After finishing speaking, Long Jue's figure had turned into an afterimage, trying to break through Feng Yun's defense line.

Feng Yun didn't stop him, but Long Jue's figure still stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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