Chapter 1419

The four guards Feilong, Feiyang, Feichen, and Feiyu have already surrounded Longjue.

Three of the dragons of the four guardians are not familiar with each other, but there is one who has an extremely close relationship with him.

Long Jue's eyes narrowed dangerously, and his voice was squeezed out from between his teeth.

"Bei, Xuan, Mo!"

Feiyang raised his lips slightly: "I actually prefer people to call me another name, Feiyang. Let me introduce you, this is Feilong, the leader of Anbu. This is Feichen, the master of the Soul Palace. This is Feiyu, the master of Tianji Pavilion .”


The sound of gasping for breath resounded all over the continent.

The lord's guards are so awesome!

"Hmph, eat the inside out." Long Jue satirized in a cold voice.

"Eat inside and outside?" Feiyang smiled slightly: "I'm afraid you made a mistake. I don't say anything else about Feiyang, but I have a loyal heart."

"Could it be that you want to tell me that you were an undercover agent more than 500 years ago when my master, the lord of Hunyuan Continent, was still there? At that time, Feng Yun hadn't even been born, right?! You never Since then, you have been by my side all the time, and now, you tell me that your master is Feng Yun, but you still don't admit that you are a sucker?"

Feiyang also sneered, but stopped talking.The next moment, Feilong, Feiyang, Feichen and Feiyu suddenly soared into the sky, and the raging fire surrounded Longjue, and the place where Longjue was located became a sea of ​​fire.

In the midst of the raging fire, four huge fire phoenixes spread their wings and flew, their flapping wings brought out a beautiful afterimage of fire.

"Oh my god! It turned out to be a phoenix!"

"My lord's four guards turned out to be phoenixes too!"

"Who said that there are no beasts in our Hunyuan Continent? The four guards of our lord are the beasts!"

The entire Hunyuan Continent boiled.

More than 500 years ago, the beasts in the Hunyuan Continent were all dead.Following the fall of the four great beasts, there are also the hearts of countless warriors.

It can be said that the five great beasts, headed by the lord and supplemented by the four great beasts, were once the source of belief for countless people.

When the source is cut off, faith gradually dies away.

At this moment, I can see the divine beasts with my own eyes again, and there are four divine beasts as soon as they appear, which is simply an extremely exciting thing.

"Long Jue, can you still say that I eat the inside out?"

Long Jue: ...! ! !
Surrounded by the four phoenixes above the pinnacle of the Lingzun, Long Jue couldn't get away to save Feng Ling for a while, so he could only let Ling Tian fly out.

Ling Tian's speed at this moment is more than ten times faster than Feng Ling who turned into black mist, and he quickly chased her.

The black mist that was about to condense was startled, and scattered out again.In the end, they simply dispersed completely and merged with the surrounding air.

Although this will cause great harm to the soul, it is a good way to escape when there is no other way.

Ling Tian looked at Feng Ling who quickly dissipated and couldn't see anything, and sneered, "You think I can't do anything about you if you hide? Feng Ling, you're so cheap that you even tried to separate me and Feng Yun , in order to change our fate, we did not hesitate to kill our parents, and even let my whole Dongzhou be buried with you for these dirty thoughts. Since you are a fugitive who fled from heaven to others, I will act for heaven today, Take you devil!"

After all, the Demon Sealing Tablet flew out from Ling Tian's space, and at the same time as the black light shook violently, Feng Ling's voice also came instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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