Chapter 1424

"Be careful!" Feng Yun, who had been watching the battle from a distance without moving, suddenly said.

In the depths where the golden mist was gradually dissipating, a man with long hair standing up to 30 centimeters long, completely stripped of his clothes and only wearing a pair of underpants, rushed out at a high speed, facing the person closest to him, manipulating Megatron's Flower Dawn is the most violent attack.

The black spiritual power turned into a spherical shape, and moved towards the flower dawn where Megatron was located, like a heavy rainstorm.

The attack speed of the tens of thousands of black spiritual powers was so fast that Megatron, controlled by Hua Lixiao, couldn't dodge it, and Long Jue, who was in a rage, had already made up his mind to attack each of them, so he was attacking while attacking. The shape is also quickly swept towards Hua Lixiao.

"Damn human beings! How dare you tease me like this! I want you to die!"

Seeing that Megatron, where Hua Lixiao was, was under attack from both sides, Feng Yun's figure also moved accordingly.

But as soon as he left, Megatron, who was about to be shattered into pieces all over the place, suddenly made a move!

shot! ... hands! is!

Megatron strikes!
The point is, Megatron is a fighter jet, but who will tell everyone, why in the blink of an eye, Megatron defended all the spiritual power of Long Jue attacking it, and at the same time made a move?

Where is the previous Megatron still a fighter jet at this moment?

This f* clearly a humanoid...King Kong!

"I understand! I finally know why they are called Transformers! Hahahaha... I understand! Because they can transform! Not only can they transform into fighter jets, they can also transform into humans! Hahahaha..."

A martial artist couldn't help the excitement in his heart and laughed out loud.After laughing for a long time, I realized that everyone had a "you are so stupid" expression, and they were not upset. They laughed and continued to watch the battle.

Everyone also suppressed their hearts that were so excited that they almost exploded. Seeing Megatron and Long Absolute resisting together, they kept making "hissing" gasps.

Compared with the shock of the audience, the most shocking thing should be the death of the party concerned.

Who the hell is going to tell him, what the hell is this flying boat?

Why is it a flying boat for a while and a person for a while?

And a man made of steel!
Not only that, this person's defensive power is extremely ferocious, it looks like a pile of iron shells, but only Long Jue knows that the defensive power of this iron shell has reached the immortal level!
This was forged by an immortal craftsman...a spiritual weapon!
Although he didn't want to admit it, Long Jue knew in his heart that he was shocked by this thing.

Although the Transformers' defense was abnormal, they were gradually at a disadvantage when facing off against Long Yi.

Or to be more precise, with the continuous improvement of Long Jue's strength, Megatron controlled by Hua Lixiao began to be gradually weak.

But even so, the people of Hunyuan Continent couldn't suppress their admiration and shock for this fairy artifact.

It's so awesome!

Cheng Jinhan, the Great Emperor of Nanzhou, looked eagerly at the mirror image symbol in front of him, and countless villains shouted in his heart - I really want a Transformer!

Ling Tian, ​​Ye Chuchen, and Yaoyue Jianlong Jue, who had been watching the battle without moving for a long time, had more and more horrible auras, and their strength had gradually improved from the third level above the peak, and even reached a level that they couldn't tell the depth of. To the extent that they couldn't hold back, they joined the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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