Chapter 1425

Since Hua Lixiao and Long Jue were fighting in close quarters at this moment, the three of them immediately transformed into the human figures of Galvatian, Yu Tiandi, and Fallen King Kong, and fought towards Long Jue.

At this moment, Long Jue was so shocked by the people made of these four lumps of fine iron that his heart became a little numb.

The spectators may not know the strength of these four elite iron men, but he knows it very clearly in his heart.

The smallest of these four fine iron men is [-] to [-] times the size of his body, and its flexibility will not be affected in any way. There are countless inscriptions on Iron Man's body and on his sword.

Once he attacked their bodies and swords, those inscriptions would take effect.

Their bodies are full of defensive inscriptions, while the swords are full of various attack inscriptions that make him overwhelmed.

But in addition to the sword, they still have countless cannon barrels on their bodies, and they will fire black cannons for him from time to time when he is not paying attention.

And what the hell is a black cannon made by the ancient thunder robbery.

Since coming to Hunyuan Continent, Long Jue has never been so aggrieved.

Looking at the fine iron men surrounding him, he was in a bad mood.

Hua Lixiao, who was still at a disadvantage, after Ling Tian, ​​Ye Chuchen and Yaoyue joined, the whole situation turned upside down in an instant.

After a dry addiction, everyone who came down from the Transformers reluctantly had very bright little stars shining in their eyes at the moment, and everyone was holding a small nine in their hearts. When the battle was over, they would also operate the Transformers once.

This is so cool!
Long Jue's face became more and more ugly.

His strength is three levels above the peak of Lingzun, even if Feng Yun uses the Feng Clan's secret technique, his strength is only two levels above the peak.

But these fine iron men were able to force his Lingzun, who was above the peak of the third level, into a panic.Although it would not kill people all at once, Long Jue knew that if this continued, his spiritual power would be exhausted in a short time.

But these fine iron men seem not to be afraid of being tired. From the beginning to the present, they have not felt the slightest loss of their spiritual power.

"Longjue is going to lose!" Cheng Jinhan said, his tone full of envious sighs.

"That's right, I really didn't expect the mighty Emperor of Central Continent to be defeated so easily. Fortunately, I, Nan Continent, didn't quarrel with those few, otherwise our lives would be over today."

After Cheng Jinhan exhaled, he vomited out all the unwillingness in his heart.

Long Jue and the four Transformers continued to fight for nearly half an hour.During the past half an hour, the Transformers still didn't see any depletion of spiritual power, and all the attacks he imposed on them were resisted by the terrifying inscriptions on their bodies.

On the other hand, he himself was in a mess under the siege of the four Transformers.Not only was he only wearing a pair of underpants, his hair was scorched, but he was also injured all over his body because the opponent threw back arrows from time to time and gave him a sneak attack.

Finally, Long couldn't take it anymore.

It will be a loser sooner or later.

In order to quickly win the victory, kill all his enemies, and then flee, Long Jue finally had to face the cruel reality and began to burn the power of his life.

He is a god descending to earth, even though his strength has fallen to a certain level, his soul power is still strong.

(End of this chapter)

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