Chapter 1426

In order to defeat the enemy in front of him, Long Jue had no choice but to rapidly increase his spiritual power in a short period of time at the cost of burning his soul power.

Long Jue, who had already used secret techniques to rise to the fourth level above the peak of Lingzun, was burning with "what?"

"How could this be?"

"Long Jue's strength has already reached level five and above, a height we cannot resist, how can we fight this battle?"

Nanzhou was the first to erupt in disbelief.

The Dongzhou army, which is the closest to the Nanzhou army, is currently under the command of the former Xizhou Generalissimo Mo Weiyan because Gu Junyan is not there.

After hearing the frightened cry from Nanzhou, he said with a little contempt: "No matter how hard it is to fight, you won't be allowed to go. What's your name? Besides, it's really your turn. Even if you die, you won't have to go up." Is it possible that you can escape?"

Cheng Jinhan: ...

He could see that now Dongzhou, Xizhou and Beizhou were all in the same spirit, and he was the only one left in Nanzhou who was a different person.It's good that Long Jue doesn't die, if Long Jue dies, he will immediately become a different kind among them.

So even if the other party was only Xizhou Zengjin's Generalissimo, after being scolded, Cheng Jinhan could only endure it.

The good old days may never come back again.

Long Jue's strength finally stopped at the seventh level above the peak of Lingzun.

The sudden rise of the three levels can no longer be described as horror.

The four Transformers who were still firmly in the upper hand before were at a disadvantage in an instant.

Even if the Four Great Vajras grow bigger and release lasers from the ancient tribulation thunders at the same time, they can't shake Long Jue's protective shield.

But Long Jue, after his strength improved, his speed was more than twice as fast as before.

If they could use electronic equipment to add their own spiritual power to keep up with Long Jue's speed of three levels above the peak of Lingzun, then now they can only be passive at the opponent's speed of seven levels.

Long Jue showed a ferocious expression on his face, he walked among the four with ease, and said in a cold voice: "You, Ling Tian, ​​are the first one who can push me to this extent! But you want me to die! , but it’s not that easy! Even if I die, I will definitely drag everyone in the Hunyuan Continent to the back!”

He is a majestic god, a majestic general in the fairy world, he did not do anything wrong to end up like this, and now he is still hunted down by everyone.

Even if one day he will be killed by Master Tongtian and King Feng, it is enough for him to let Feng Yun and Ling Tian accompany him.

Even though the four people had launched another machine gun attack on him, Long Jue easily jumped out of the encirclement and came behind Ling Tian in an instant.


Feng Yun roared, wanting to stop the blow for Ling Tian, ​​but the speed of the seventh level above the peak was too fast, Feng Yun was still roaring, before the sound fell, Megatron controlled by Ling Tian It was directly smashed into pieces by Long Jue.

"My God!"

Everyone couldn't hold back any longer, Feng Yun, Mu Hun, and Gu Junyan flew up one after another, attacking Long Jue.

But Long Jue's speed was really too fast. Before the three rushed over, he had already launched three more attacks, instantly smashing the Transformers controlled by Hua Lixiao, Ye Chuchen and Yaoyue into pieces.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, which caught people off guard.

The powerful shock wave made the three rushing people stagnate for an instant, and they could only watch helplessly as their wives were smashed to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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