Chapter 1427

Yao Yuanshuang only had Yaoyue as his son, and at this moment, his expression was exactly the same as that of Feng Yun's, his eyes were tearing apart, and he couldn't believe it.

The first reaction of the four people was not to seek revenge on Long Jue, but to quickly swim in the air to check if their wife and son were alright in the debris still suspended in the air.

The people of Hunyuan Continent were all silent at this moment, and the anger in their hearts rose instantly.

That's their idol!
Such a handsome Transformer was actually destroyed by Long Jue who did not know how to upgrade his spiritual power!
Such a cute little Tian'er must have died under Long Jue's hands too!
what to do?Really angry!I really want to rush up and explode myself, and fight Long Jue to the death!

Some girls even cried directly.

Although he knew that it was a girl who manipulated the transgender steel, but that Transformer was really handsome!They really like it!

But such a good Transformer has now been destroyed by Long Jue...

Really sad!
It feels like there will never be such a handsome thing in this world again.

"Hold the grass Nima!"

Suddenly, a girl's voice came from the fragments like thunder.

Mu Hun's eyes lit up, and he yelled, "My lady!"

Great, his wife is still alive.

"Brother, I'm fine!"

Ling Tian's voice also came out.

After experiencing this unexpected situation, the whole person was stunned. Feng Yun, who felt that the whole world had collapsed, was slightly taken aback, and a touch of ecstasy filled his heart instantly.The heart that had almost exploded fell back into the chest safely.

"My lord, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me!" Yaoyue's voice also came over.

Gu Junyan was left, waiting eagerly for Hua Lixiao's voice.

After all, Transformers can only see the outside from the inside, but not the inside.He didn't even know where his Xiao'er was.

Finally, half a beat slower than everyone else, Hua Lixiao's voice sounded cool.

"I'm fine. With the holy mark, he can't hurt us at all. You all back down, and I don't ask you to come out, so don't come out."

"..." Gu Junyan felt that he was despised by his Xiaoer.

But still nodded and said: "Okay."

Then he looked at Mu Hun and Feng Yun, and signaled with his eyes, are you leaving?
"Brother, don't worry, unless Long Jue can raise his strength to the ninth level above the peak, he will never want to destroy the defense of the holy pattern."

"What is the holy pattern, Marshal Mo, have you heard of it?"

Cheng Jinhan looked at Mo Weiyan, humbly asking for advice.

Mo Weiyan thought about it for a while, then suddenly exclaimed, not even in the mood to hate Cheng Jinhan, and said in shock: "Holy pattern! That... that is on top of the seventh-level inscription pattern, which only exists in legends I have only heard of it, but I have never seen it.”

Cheng Jinhan: ...! ! !
Long Jue was equally as shocked as Cheng Jinhan.

Saint pattern, this is not something that ordinary people can engrave.

No wonder these fine iron men couldn't be broken no matter how hard they were beaten. It turned out that they were protected by holy patterns.

At this moment, a bad premonition rose in Long Jue's heart.

Hua Lixiao was right, unless his spiritual power was raised to level nine above the peak, otherwise with his current level seven strength, he would not be able to hurt the people inside at all.

The next moment, in the disbelief of everyone, the steel that had been smashed into pieces suddenly moved.

"Whoosh whoosh—"


(End of this chapter)

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