Chapter 1431

Feng Yun was not angry, but raised his lips and asked, "Really?"

After the words fell, behind Feng Yun and Ling Tian, ​​Mu Hun, Xiao Bai, Zhu Sha, and the Great Emperor suddenly appeared in all directions.

They all appear in the form of ontology.

Left Qinglong, right Baihu, upper Suzaku, lower Xuanwu.

"Divine Beasts! They are the Four Great Divine Beasts!"

"My God! Didn't the four great beasts fall 500 years ago?"

"Then what is it now? Is it fake? Or is it our eyes?"

"Ouch, what are you pinching me for?"

"I just wanted to see if I was dreaming."

"Then why don't you pinch yourself?"


Besides the four great beasts, Feilong, Feiyang, Feichen, Feiyu, Quan Moying, and the three Long brothers stood far away from the encirclement.

Long Jue frowned and looked at the people who surrounded him one after another, a mocking smile slowly froze on his face.

After he understood the arrangement of the formation, a trace of fear finally appeared on his face.

As a general who escaped from heaven to the mortal world, he still has some understanding of the formation.Especially Ling Tian's father, Lingbao Tianzun, created the Immortal Execution Formation, which he had heard about for a long time.

This formation is so powerful that no matter how powerful the gods and demons are, once they fall into the Zhuxian formation, they will never be able to escape if their strength is not a whole step higher than the opponent's.


With the cry of the phoenix, Feng Yun has transformed into a huge silver phoenix.

The mercury-like dazzling luster exposed the aristocratic aura that could not be concealed from him.

The silver flame burning all over his body seems to be the most holy light in the world, which can illuminate the darkness in people's hearts and sweep away all evil.

On the other side of him, a pair of flaming black wings suddenly sprouted from the side of the combination King Kong controlled by Ling Tian.

This is the top ghost wing, burning all darkness and evil spirits.

Two extremely domineering flames, one silver and one black, suddenly intertwined with each other.

The people of Hunyuan Continent opened their mouths wide open.

Because they saw that after the silver-white fire light emanating from the lord Fengyun and the black fire light emanating from the combination King Kong controlled by Tian'er were intertwined, a huge gossip-shaped image appeared in the mirror image with Long Jue as the center. pattern.

At this moment, Long Jue's expression had changed from shock to ferocity, and he squeezed out three words one by one——

"Zhu, Xian, Zhen!"

"As expected, you came down from the Heavenly Court. You have seen a lot. You even know the name of such a powerful formation!"

Long Jue: ...

"How about it, are you moved by our setting up such a grand Zhuxian Formation? Do you have any last words that you want to explain, and do you have any regrets that you want to say to all the people in the Hunyuan Continent?"

"Hmph!" Long Jue snorted coldly: "I just learned a little superficiality, so I thought it was really a Zhuxian array? Let me teach you. Two poles produce four images, and four images produce gossip. You and Ling Tian regards himself as the two poles, the four great beasts as the four images, and these eight people as the gossip. A total of 14 people are all above the peak of Lingzun. Let me be at a disadvantage and deeply injured.

But I am a god descending from the heavens, if you really want to kill me completely, the formation of these two poles, four images and eight trigrams alone is not enough!To build a complete Zhuxian formation, there must be two poles, three talents, four images, five elements, Liuhe, seven stars, eight trigrams, and nine palaces. "

(End of this chapter)

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