Chapter 1432

"And to completely kill me, four of the eight items must be met. Unfortunately, you only met three items. Hahaha... You seriously injured me today, and one day, I will be able to make a comeback and make a comeback!"

"Is that enough now?"

Suddenly, three figures "swish" out of Combination King Kong, and then people from all directions gathered quickly.

After the four great beasts, there appeared Hua Lixiao, Gu Junyan, Ye Chuchen, Wang Xiaoyu, and Gu Rui.

"Did no one of you deal with me? Even a five-year-old kid was fucked."

After Long Jue saw Gu Rui, he showed disdain.

But when he saw the system of the other four people clearly, and then looked at Gu Rui, his complexion changed instantly.

"The body of five spirits!" Long Jue uttered in horror.

The people of the entire Hunyuan Continent are also boiling.

In addition to the four great beasts, they even saw the body of the five spirits!
They thought that the body of five spirits only existed in legends.

These five people represent the five spirits of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Standing here at this moment, aren't they the best representatives of the five elements?

In addition to the gossip formed by Feilong, Quan Moying and other eight people, Yaoyue, Yaoyuanshuang, Beizhou Zhennan Wang, Ling Jian, Wang Qi, Bai Minyao, Gu Xiangyun, Xu Yi, and Axiang formed a nine palace formation .

Hua Lixiao, who was standing on the periphery, suddenly said: "In fact, there have always been three talents. Heaven, earth, and people. In order to make your crimes known to the world, I have already made mirror images in various parts of the Hunyuan Continent. With this as the center, the formation is operated, and it is set at the eye of the formation.

The people of the Hunyuan Continent are watching in front of every mirror image talisman at this moment, and they are the eyes of the three talents. "

Hua Lixiao's voice fell, and the people of the entire continent were all erupting.

They didn't expect to be helpful just by standing here.

Everyone straightened their backs one after another, for fear that if one did not stand properly, it would not be counted.

Listening to Hua Lixiao's explanation, Long Jue's expression changed from hideous to fearful.

"You guys... please forgive me! I didn't do anything wrong, it's because I fell in love with the wrong woman that I ended up where I am today. All the karma was caused by Feng Ling.

Feng Yun, I told you before that both you and Ling Tian descended from the heavens, and you both have extraordinary identities, so why bother with a small person like me who has already fallen into such a situation?

As long as you can let me go, I guarantee that from now on, I will fade out of everyone's sight and never appear in front of you again. "

"Then what about my dead parents?" Ling Tian asked.

"Ling Xiao and Bai Yunjian are not your real parents at all. Your real father is the Lingbao Tianzun of the three deities in the heavens, who is also known as the Master of Tongtian. Ling Xiao and Bai Yunjian are just your virtual parents in the last life. "

"What about the million soldiers in Dongzhou? My parents are fictitious, so are the million soldiers killed by you also fictitious? You killed so many people, and now, in order to harm Fengyun, you are trying to attract demons from outside the territory again. Let the people of the Hunyuan Continent be in dire straits once again, why should we let people like you go? We let you go, but have you ever let go of the millions of people who died unjustly under your hands?"


Long Jue still wanted to say something, but an incomparably deep spiritual power surged from everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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