Chapter 1433

With the help of Ling Tian, ​​these people have all reached the peak of Lingzun or above the peak of Lingzun.

Countless forces gather together to create the sky.A huge vortex slowly appeared in the cloudless sky, as if it included the entire Hunyuan Continent.

Long Jue stood in the center with frightened eyes and wanted to move, but he found that he couldn't even raise his hands except to speak.

The Immortal Execution Formation set up by Hua Lixiao actually included everyone in the Hunyuan Continent.

As long as these people have resentment towards him in their hearts, their perceptions can be gathered in the air, and through formations, they can be turned into strength.

The entire Hunyuan Continent changed color, especially over the battlefield, the entire sky turned into a deep vortex, as if the outer planet could be seen from this vortex.

Long Jue's eyes showed despair. He knew that it was the resentment of the whole world that gathered together to have such terrifying power.

When the person was about to die, Long Jue recalled the scenes in the heavenly court.

If Fengling had instigated Master to kill the Anji Heavenly Emperor's wife and daughter and was arrested and executed, how good would it be if he didn't go into this muddy water?

If he didn't go into this muddy water, he would still be his free and easy general in the Heavenly Court.

Unfortunately, there is no if in this world.

Because he watched Feng Ling grow up since he was a child, and he fell in love with her from the year she was Jiji.A love is tens of thousands of years.

Perhaps countless years ago, his love became the biggest obsession in his life.As long as he can get him, he is willing to do anything.

In the deep vortex, a golden light suddenly vibrated, and a huge palm fell from the depths of the sky, and slapped Long Jue's body mercilessly.


The palm fell to the ground, leaving a palm print on the ground with a radius of one mile and a depth of one thousand meters.

A generation of heroes, Emperor Qianzhong of Central Continent just died like this.

After the shocking bang, what was left was the cheers of the people of the entire Hunyuan Continent.

After Long Jue died, a total of 400 million soldiers from the four continents immediately gathered under Feng Yun's command, waiting to be dealt with.

"All the people in Hunyuan Continent, since the existence of this continent, we have been constantly attacked by foreign monsters, and countless people died in the hands of foreign monsters.

From this king's father to later emperors of various continents, no matter who is in power, the first slogan is to expel the demons from outside the territory.

The king's father died in the invasion of monsters, and the parents of the king's wife also died in the invasion of monsters. Monsters are our sworn enemies.This king will ask everyone now, do you hate demons? "


The voices of 400 million soldiers broke the sky.

Not only did the 400 million soldiers answer, but the common people in front of the mirror image also answered with one voice.

"Then do you want to bid farewell to the demon forever?" Feng Yun asked again.

"Think!" What is there to say?Humans in Hunyuan Continent will never allow foreign monsters to enter the continent.

"Since this is the case, I won't say much. In the past, monsters from outside the territory invaded and attacked our Hunyuan Continent. Today, everyone will follow this king, follow this enchantment, and go outside the territory to attack the monsters from outside the territory!"

"Attack the foreign monsters!"

"Attack the foreign monsters!"

"Attack the foreign monsters!"

"Very good! Today, we also want to let the monsters from outside the territory experience what invasion is!"


(End of this chapter)

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