Chapter 1434

The soldiers' blood boiled with enthusiasm, and they flew into the barrier that Long Jue had opened up together with Feng Yun.

Ling Tian has already put the Transformers into the space, ready to go out of the domain and then play tricks.

Arriving outside the domain, after the 400 million army was deployed to attack and defend, the demon king also brought an army of tens of millions of demons to the hole in the barrier.

The 200 million demon vanguard army arrived first, and the demon general did not wait for the phantom, but the demon-sealing tablet that made them extremely frightened.

Although the Demon Sealing Monument is strong when it meets the strong, but it can't devour it all at once when it encounters so many monsters.Remaining, four Transformers sweep the second round.

The almost inexhaustible ancient thunder calamity is what the monsters fear most, but they can't drive them all out.

The rest are the guards of the Flying Dragon and other four great beasts, and the four great beasts such as Mu Hun appear on the stage, and the demons can be wiped out with one shot with divine power.

Those who ran fast were killed by the soldiers guarding the periphery.

It may be very difficult for a soldier to kill a monster, after all, the monster has to be killed twice to die completely.

But it couldn't be easier for ten soldiers to kill one monster.

The 200 million foreign monsters were completely killed in less than half an hour. Feng Yun looked at the monsters with no scum left, and looked at the three girls who were laughing and killing more than anyone else, plus a Beizhou Prince, his complexion became a little strange.

"Brother, what is your expression? Are you unhappy that these monsters have been killed?" Ling Tian was a little puzzled.

Feng Yun was a little dumbfounded.

Rubbing Ling Tian's hair and laughing: "Happy. How could you be unhappy? It's just that the monster that once gave us such a headache, the monster that made us sacrifice countless soldiers, was killed so easily this time. This feeling It's like the feeling of demons entering the domain and slaughtering the people of Hunyuan Continent. This feeling of slaughtering demons... is very good!"

Ling Tian giggled, "Just as long as you feel happy!"

Feng Yun leaned over slightly, and gently placed a kiss on Ling Tian's forehead.

"When the army of demons behind us arrives, let's do another wave and try to get back home in one day."

"According to this speed, it is indeed possible."

Feng Yun looked at Ling Tian with a smile and asked: "You said earlier that you still have a very powerful trump card, what is it? When you dealt with Long Jue just now, it seems that you didn't use it."

Ling Tian smiled: "Yeah, it's useless. Didn't you have a chance to use it just now?"

"If Long Jue knew that you didn't even show your housekeeping skills, he would probably die of anger."

"Anyway, it's all gone. And I don't want him to look at my housekeeping skills."

"Little Tian'er, your Nether Wings are already powerful enough, what housekeeping skills are more powerful than Nether Wings?"


Seeing Ling Tian's mean smile, Ye Chuchen didn't ask any more questions.She just waits for Ling Tian to act aggressively!

A group of people waited here for a long time but did not see the army of demons pressing down on them, so they had to send someone to report to the army of demons.

When the demon king heard that the vanguard had fallen into a trap set by humans, and the entire army was trapped, he exploded instantly.

Huanmo and Di Qianzhong didn't wait, but what was waiting was the human army.

This is the first time that a human has crossed the barrier and put the air pressure on his monster's head.The king of monsters was furious, and immediately commanded the army of monsters to press down on the border at full speed, and wiped out all the human beings who entered the territory.

 Starting to add more tomorrow, until the end
(End of this chapter)

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