Chapter 1435

The army of 800 million monsters and the king of monsters appeared in everyone's field of vision at the same time.

800 million troops, a very large number, even if everyone is flying in the air, at a glance, the front is dark and dense, with no edge in sight.

But when they saw the legendary king of monsters clearly, everyone was stunned.

"Damn it, the king of monsters is just three levels above the peak of Lingzun?! Did you make a mistake? It's really a waste of expression to make us come here with great fanfare!" Ye Chuchen was the first one who couldn't help complaining. Voice.

The promised demon is very powerful, but the king of demons is even more powerful?
I thought they would face a super awesome boss, but who knows, the spiritual power of this monster king is only three levels above the peak.It was the same strength as Di Qianzhong before he burned his soul.

Demon King: ...! ! !
Hearing Ye Chuchen's complaints, the Demon King was also drunk.

"Boy Huangkou, although I am surprised that you have already reached the peak of Lingzun at such a young age, it may not take long in time, but with your aptitude, you will surpass this king very soon. But it is a pity, No matter how powerful you are now, you are only above the peak. It is easy for this king to kill you."

"Hey, who can't be whiter than teeth? If you have the ability, come and kill me!"

"Okay, as long as you dare to come out to fight, my lord will let you see whether you are different from this lord. Within 30 moves, this lord will take your head. How dare you?"

"Why don't you dare? Is the third level above the peak of Lingzun very powerful? I really want to fight with you, but I can't help it. My senior sister has a sworn feud with you, so killing you , my senior sister is going to take full power, so I really can't fight."

The demon king sneered: "If you don't dare, you don't dare. Why do you say it so grandly?"

"It's not that I dare not. My senior sister is also at the peak of Lingzun just like me. We all promised her that you are the one she wants to kill, so so many of us can't intervene.

In fact, it’s not that we look down on you. With so many of us, any one of us can take your head within 3 moves.The reason why I didn't make a move was because of my senior sister.How about this, if my senior sister can't kill you within 3 moves, how about we let you go? "

The Demon King was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing hahahaha.

The monster army was very angry at first, but seeing that their king laughed, they laughed too.

A monster general couldn't help but taunted: "If you can't beat our king within three moves, you will let us go? This general heard me right? This general has been fighting for thousands of years, and this is the first time I have heard such a strange thing. way of begging for mercy.

You humans can't beat us monsters, and you are afraid of us monsters. This is a fact that is obvious both inside and outside the domain.Every time you want to drive away us demons, how much do you humans have to pay?Now, you have fought the main battlefield of our monsters, and you are so embarrassed to say let us go?Have human beings really degenerated to the point where their brains are not working properly? "

"You have a bad brain! Idiot! Mentally retarded! I heard that monsters have multiple births. Your brain is so bad. Could it be that when your mother was pregnant with you, the flowers of your brain were absorbed by your brothers and sisters as nutrients?" Drop it, and then turn it into garbage and excrete it out?
Every time you monsters attack the domain, which one didn't you throw away your armor, roll and crawl back to the outside of the domain? "

(End of this chapter)

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