Chapter 1440

"I haven't seen monsters before. I only heard that monsters are a group of idiots. We beat them to pieces every time, but they keep trying to occupy our territory. When I saw them today, the idiots of monsters are indeed Well-deserved reputation.”

"It's enough!"

The Demon King shouted loudly.

He really had no way to break through this golden cage, because above this cage was the ancient thunder and lightning that he feared most as a monster.

"I didn't expect that I, the king of monsters, would one day be able to follow the way of human beings! And it is the way of a mere human woman. Although I died today, my army of monsters will be at a disadvantage, but given time, my monsters will definitely defeat you humans! Monsters The army obeys orders!"


The army of 800 million monsters answered at the same time, and the voice seemed to resound throughout the universe.

"This human woman has a demon-sealing tablet in her hand. My demon descendants must not confront her head-on. Although we have left today, we will definitely win in the future!"


"It's not shameful to run away. What's shameful is knowing that you will fail, but still wanting to save face and suffer. Let me retreat——!"

After the King of Demons' words fell, the demons responded with a "yes", and quickly retreated and fled.

"Hey, wait!"

"Hahahaha..." The demon king laughed angrily, "So what if you killed me? My 800 million army is not damaged at all. After leaving today, it will become a serious problem for you!"

Ling Tian smiled and said: "Your Majesty has forgotten that you brought an army of 1000 million monsters. Although we have killed the 200 million within half an hour, you can't just treat the 800 million as an army for the sake of face." That's all you brought. How can you make the remaining 200 million dead demons feel bad?"


The demon king was shocked, and only then remembered that he had sent 200 million pioneers over.He was also caught in a trap by the vanguard, so he led the army to suppress the situation immediately.

But now this woman said that the vanguard army had been killed by them within half an hour?

Killed all?

Killed in half an hour?

The Demon King stared, wanting to reprimand Ling Tian for lying to him, but if he was really lying to him, then what about him?What about his army of 200 million monsters?
Fear gushed out of his heart suddenly, the demon king moved his mouth, but he couldn't say anything.


Ling Tian's ending sounded a little long, and she continued to speak only when the first lightning calamity struck, "Did you forget that just now you made the thunder calamity oath in front of all my human soldiers, saying that even if you Did you lose so much that you didn’t even have your underwear on, and you would never throw away your helmet and armor, and want to fight human beings upright? Even if you forgot, Lei Jie never forgot.”

"..." Seeing that the army of monsters is already in a thunderstorm, unable to escape from the outside world and ascend to heaven, the eyes of the king of monsters are red.

Pointing at Ling Tian, ​​he said angrily, "'re bullying us!"

"The two armies are facing each other. Either you die or I live. What's wrong with you? You can only show that I'm smarter than you. Being yin can only mean that your brain is not as nutritious as mine. Now you still think that you are a superior race, Is rapid reproduction your advantage?"


"For the sake of your genocide, let me tell you, people never care about the quantity, but the essence. The so-called concentration is the essence, and the flood like you is called locusts in our world. Locusts are pests and must be exterminated!"


(End of this chapter)

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