Chapter 1441

"However, I still have to thank the king today. If it weren't for the king's mental retardation, we humans would not let your army of monsters be killed without giving up every single soldier. Hehe..."

Hearing Ling Tian's incomparably piercing laughter, the Demon King's eyes were filled with blood.

Suddenly, he said to the army of monsters: "Don't back down, don't back down anymore! Charge me! Kill humans! As long as you kill the enemy, Lei Jie won't attack you!"

When the demon army heard what their king said, they reacted from panic and rushed towards the human army.

Sure enough, as soon as they charged, Lei Jie disappeared again.

"Hahahaha, after all, this is the oath of the thunder robbery, not the thunder robbery to cross the robbery. As long as our army of demons attacks humans, we will not be killed by the thunder robbery."

The Demon King looked at Ling Tian with a proud expression on his face.

Ling Tian nodded: "Well, it's not too mentally handicapped, at least he realized it when half of the demon army died. Not bad!"

"It's just that there were 800 million monsters before, but now there are only 400 million. What a pity!"

After all, Ling Tian exchanged a glass of water from the space and threw it to the Demon King.

The Demon King caught it and asked, "What is this?"

"For you to drink."

The Demon King snorted coldly, opened it and gulped it down.

After drinking, he still licked his mouth with unsatisfied desire.


Seeing Ling Tian's bright smile, the Demon King said disdainfully: "It's delicious! Of course it's delicious! But don't tell me that it's poisonous, let alone that a strong man of my level is already invulnerable to all poisons." , Let’s just say that we are a clan of monsters, a clan that can be born without being afraid of poison.”

"You're thinking too much. Here are six walnuts. Drink it to nourish your brain! Although you are about to die, I hope you can understand the next battle before you die."



This is simply Hong Guoguo's contempt!
Even Feng Qing back then never dared to despise him as the king of monsters.

But Ling Xiao's daughter under Feng Qing, who is only 20 years old, dares to despise him so much, and from the beginning to the end, no matter whether it is force, intelligence or quarrel, he has never been able to gain the upper hand.

The demon king felt that he was really aggrieved by losing this time.

He crushed the can and shouted, "Kill me! Kill all these human dogs!"

Ling Tian also suddenly ordered: "Human soldiers obey the order, kill me! Kill all these monster shit!"

Demon King: "..."

Demon: "..." I feel that the king of demons in their family is no match for this girl at all!

The monsters rushed towards the human army full of resentment.

Before rushing halfway, three flying boat-like things blocked their way from three directions.

Then, a golden sphere that was more terrifying than Thunder Calamity was launched from the densely packed shell holes.

There was a deafening explosion, and the demon king stared wide-eyed as he watched the little demons under his command be blown to ashes by the golden thing.

The huge explosion covered up the screams of the monsters, but it couldn't cover up the tragic scene of the entire battlefield.

The Demon Sealing Monument was still absorbing the spiritual power of the Demon King and the monsters. The Demon King stared blankly at the horrible scenes on the battlefield, and couldn't help shaking his head in horror.

"Female...goddess, please spare us! Please spare our demon clan!"

(End of this chapter)

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