Chapter 1442

"Ben... I promise you in the honor of the king of demons, as long as you let my army of demons survive, I... my demon clan will stay away from humans from now on, and will never come to your Hunyuan Continent again!"

Seeing the pleading in the demon king's eyes, Ling Tian smiled slightly: "Yes, of course I can order you to be spared."

"Really?" The demon king's eyes lit up.

Anyway, after such a long time, his spiritual power has only been left at the level above the peak of Lingzun.Once he fell below the peak, he would immediately die under the Demon Sealing Tablet.


Ling Tian nodded, and ordered to the humans who fought with the monsters: "Everyone stop."

The human army was very obedient, although they were dissatisfied, they stopped immediately.

After all, they know how powerful Ling Tian and the others are in battle.Coupled with Ling Tian's status, as long as she doesn't bow down to the monster, after seeing her treatment of Long Jue and Feng Ling, everyone will not feel disrespectful towards her.

Although it was clear that victory was in sight, she gave up.

Seeing that the human army had really stopped, the demon king was almost moved by Ling Tian and cried, and said loudly: "Miss Ling has agreed to let us go, little ones, call gold to withdraw immediately! My king has already promised, From now on, monsters will never fight against the Hunyuan Continent again!"


The monsters were also moved and cried.

Really, so touched.

He let them go.

They will never fight in the Hunyuan Continent again.

We must know that human beings are so abnormal now, even if they are killed, they will not come to fight against human beings!
"Listen to my order, the human army, retreat two kilometers away."

Two kilometers is just the blink of an eye for warriors, but it is already the ultimate concession for the human army.

Although everyone was dissatisfied, they retreated two kilometers obediently.

The demon king hurriedly clasped his fists together, knelt down to Ling Tianxia and said, "Thank you, Miss Ling, for not killing me."

Seeing that their king had knelt down, the monsters also knelt down and said, "Thank you Miss Ling for not killing me."

Ling Tian waved his hands with a smile, and said like a girl next door: "No thanks, no thanks, really no thanks."

The demon generals had a very good impression of Ling Tian at the moment, and waved to the demon army: "The demon army obeys the order and retreats!"


The monsters happily flew back one by one, but there was a "click".

The general who gave them the order to retreat just now was directly killed by the thunderbolt that suddenly fell.

Immediately afterwards, millions of tribulation thunders slashed down at the same time again, facing the army of demons with a blast.

The screams were heard instantly.

demon:……! ! !
Demon King: ...! ! !

Ye Chuchen really couldn't bear to watch it anymore, the Transformers who manipulated the natural enemy turned into a human form, and laughed so hard.

"Oh my god, my stomach hurts from laughing. It is said that concentration is the essence, but you still don't believe it. Look at you, my little Tianer kindly gave you six walnuts to nourish your brain during the war, and it turned out Still can’t fill the defect in your brain. Do you think you’re cheating people? You cheated 400 million people of your monster clan just now, and now you’re going to die millions more. King of monsters, you brought your monsters Is the army coming out to be funny or shameful? You didn’t die in battle, you were played to death by Xiao Tian’er!”


(End of this chapter)

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