Chapter 1444

The king of monsters has lived for thousands of years, and he has never met anyone who can kill him with just a few words.

The shells made by the ancient thunderbolts are surprisingly powerful enough, and at least three types of inscriptions are engraved on the bombs.

By the time the army of millions of monsters rushed to the front of the human army, there were not many left.

10,000+, or to be precise, less than 400 monsters with seriously injured bodies, fighting against the [-] million human army, using pebbles to hit rocks, is not enough to describe their tragedy.

After all, 900 million demons were killed because of the leadership error of the demon king. This kind of stupidity is simply beyond words.

The rest of the monsters were already red-eyed with hatred. Seeing that they had rushed in front of the human army, they thought they could get rid of their shame, and felt that one person could pull at least ten human soldiers to their backs.

But the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

In the army of monsters, the weakest monsters rushed to the front, but the army of humans was the strongest standing in the front.

"Ah...go to hell!"

A demon of Huang Lingsheng level rushed in front of a human spirit.Just a moment ago, he wanted to kill the humans in this area, but when he saw that the people in front were burning with purple spiritual power, that arrogant arrogance instantly faded away.

A Huang Lingsheng killed a group of Purple Lingzun?

Even if he is a monster and has two lives, he will not foolishly think that he can do it.

As a result, the group of Spiritual Venerables snorted coldly and waved their sleeves.

Before the other group of spirit masters came to remember to make a move, all the monsters in this area were already dead.

"Can you leave a few for us? There were fewer monsters in the first place, and you killed hundreds of them with a wave of your hand. This is the first time I have fought with monsters. You can't let me make this trip in vain. There are no monsters. Touch it and go back!"

"Yeah! You are so unfriendly!"

"Which continent are you a warrior from? Did you agree that we will fight against the enemy together?"

demon:……! ! !
Demon King: ...! ! !
This... this group of humans is simply too much!
This is no longer contempt for their monsters, this is simply ignoring Hong Guoguo!

He even got angry because he didn't kill them, it's just...


The group of Spirit Venerables were arguing and arguing, no one would let anyone else go, and in the end they didn't even want to maintain their own formation, and flew up directly to kill the monsters attacking from another direction.

The strength of those demons who broke through the line of defense varied, and almost none of them could reach the level of a spiritual master.

Because after Jie Lei's bombardment and killing, there are very few spirit clan level monsters left.

Those flying boat-like things had eyes, and every shell was shot at the spirit master who had survived the thunderstorm.

Therefore, there are almost no Lingzun who can escape the second round of attacks.

At least from the perspective of the demon king, there are only a dozen or so demons who have reached Lingzun.

Seeing his own clansmen being killed, the spirit-level monsters were about to avenge their little clansmen.As a result, a Spirit Venerable demon just jumped out, and was surrounded by dozens of Spirit Venerable warriors.

Afterwards, the purple rays of light attacked one after another, and when the human spiritual warriors dispersed, the demon king only saw their contemptuous eyes.

"I thought how powerful the monsters from outside the territory were, but it turned out to be nothing more than that."

(End of this chapter)

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