Chapter 1445

"It's just to kill him twice. I can kill him easily by myself."

"It doesn't feel like killing at all."

The soldiers of Hunyuan Continent acted like crazy, scrambling to kill the monsters, fearing that if they were too slow, the monsters would disappear.

After all, there are only 10 demons left, but there are still 400 million human soldiers.After destroying 900 million enemies, none of them died.

Now 40 people have only one monster to kill, which is simply not enough for these soldiers who are full of enthusiasm and want to kill monsters.

Seeing that the monster was about to die, they didn't even touch the hem of the monster's clothes, and they were so anxious that pimples appeared on their mouths.

In the end, Feng Yun and Ling Tian didn't care about the formation of these monsters anymore. Seeing the crazy human soldiers, Ling Tian didn't even dare to use the Demon Sealing Tablet.

How the remaining monsters were killed, the monster king didn't see it, because the human soldiers had already surrounded the poor one hundred thousand monsters, and all of them couldn't help but fight.

He only knew that when his spiritual power was completely absorbed by the Demon Sealing Tablet below the peak of the Spirit Venerable, his demon clan would have been wiped out.

The speed is so fast that it takes less than an hour.

When the demon king reacted and wanted to explode himself, his remaining spiritual power was no longer able to deter a master like Ling Tian.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Ling Tian looked at the Demon King with a smile on his face.

Looking at Ling Tian's piercing smile, the demon king couldn't let go of the depression in his heart, but he couldn't say a word when faced with the opponent's strength and IQ.

Finally, after a long silence, he spit out a sentence——

"Compared to your method, the Demon Sealing Tablet is nothing more than that."

"..." Ling Tian was silent for a moment, then sneered, believe it or not, as long as I wave my hand, this magic tablet can kill you right away?
"Then come!" Knowing that he was powerless, the demon king also went all out.

He hated himself for absolutely never underestimating the enemy, and even more so when underestimating the enemy, he should have made a thunder tribulation oath by betting on the lives of all the demon clansmen.

His biggest failure was not because of Ling Tian's strength, but because of his arrogance.

"Do you know what the throughput of this magic tablet can be?"

"..." He didn't want to answer Ling Tian's question, let alone listen to it.

"He can devour 1000 demon powerhouses at the peak of the Blue Spirit Emperor and [-] low-level spirit masters in an instant. , but if I really want to let the Sealing Demon Monument devour you, the time it takes for him to devour you will definitely not exceed the time it takes for a cup of tea. This has been done for an hour, and you are not dead, it is because I did not let you die, It’s not that the Demon Sealing Tablet is useless. Understand?”

The downcast eyes of the Demon King suddenly lit up.

If Ling Tian really doesn't let him die, then he will definitely make the matriarchs of the monsters have more children when he goes back, so that in less than 2000 years, their monsters will definitely be able to recover their vitality.At that time, he will fight Ling Tian again.

"So you want to let the king go, and let the king have no face to go back to meet the rest of my clan?"

Ling Tian was stunned, before he could speak, the Demon King snorted coldly, "It's the most poisonous woman's heart. I, the Demon King, would rather die than have the face to go back and face my people."

(End of this chapter)

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