Chapter 1446

Don't women like to use what they think is the cruelest method to deal with their enemies?
Then he fulfills her.

As long as she let him go, how she treats their demon clan today, and when they come back in the future, he will treat human beings in the same way.

"Let you go? Are you thinking too much?! The so-called hatred of killing the father is not the same. But you and I are not just as simple as killing the father. If I let you go, how do you want me to be with the dead soldiers?" Can you tell me? It’s really beautiful.”


The Demon King looked at Ling Tian resentfully, he hated him so much, but he was also afraid of death.I don't want to die even more.

Ling Tian gave him the hope of life, but now he wants to take it away.It's just horrible!
"Don't you think it is a very lucky thing to have an opponent in this world? If you let me go, give me 1000 years to prepare, and after 1000 years, we will be opponents again, and you will fight me again Isn't it interesting to step on it?"

"You're a pervert, but I'm not. Compared with this kind of interesting thing, I will obviously find it much more interesting to do other things."

"What's the matter?" As long as Ling Tian is willing to let him go now, the Demon King feels that he is willing to agree to anything.

"It is to slow down your death rate, and let you watch the army of tens of thousands of monsters you lead be harmed by your IQ and die tragically in front of you. This is already very interesting to me. As for keeping your life, Make your comeback...

I'm sorry, I'm not the one who seeks abuse for nothing.I would rather put the Demon Sealing Tablet in that gap after I kill you.At that time, I believe there will be monsters who inquire about the news.In this way, with the Demon Sealing Tablet, ten thousand people can kill ten thousand people, and one million people can kill one million people.

Although the intelligence of your monsters is indeed not enough, tens of thousands of troops are dead, even their king is dead.If all the spies are dead, tell me, would your demon clansmen dare to fight our Hunyuan Continent?

So, I would rather kill all of you now than save your life and wait until you come to me again in 1000 years. After 1000 years, if I am in a bad mood, I will go to the outside world to find your lair and kill you all. All your people.Anyway, the demon clan is the fastest-growing one. By then, I will kill only two. Tell me, how many years will it be before I come to fight outside the territory for the third time? "

Demon King: ...! ! !

This woman is so crazy!

Only then did the demon king realize what kind of pervert he had provoked.

He didn't figure it out, why Ling Xiao, such a righteous hero, would give birth to such a perverted daughter?

"I want to ask you something! You said, after 1000 years, I will kill your monster tribe for the second time. Then according to your reproduction speed, when should I go for the third time?"

"God has the virtue of good life. You have already wiped out my army of tens of thousands of demons, and you still want to kill us all. Why are you so cruel?" The demon king's eyes were red.

Don't even think about it, if this woman really goes to their lair, the remaining demons will not have a leader, and they won't be able to beat this perverted woman at all.

"Are you cruel? Not at all! You killed our Hunyuan Continent once 500 years ago, killing our assists, the four great beasts, and 300 million human fighters. You killed us again 20 years ago, Killed my parents, as well as millions of Dongzhou soldiers."

(End of this chapter)

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