Chapter 1447

"But this time you killed my tens of thousands of demon soldiers, can't it be offset?"

"Ah bah!" Ling Tian poohed the demon king's face: "You are so embarrassed to speak. This time you brought tens of thousands of monsters to attack our Hunyuan Continent again. If we hadn't known in advance, this time, the Hunyuan Continent They will all be ruined by you. The 1000 million people you died are just compensation interest."

"Interest?" The demon king's eyes widened. "This king just killed 400 million of you, and you charged 1000 million for interest. So what is your revenge?"

"Didn't you say that you monsters reproduce fast? When our human mothers give birth to a baby, you monsters will have ten or twenty babies."

"Where are there so many?" The demon king was about to jump up: "Can we only have ten at most?"

"Well, according to the ratio of one to ten, do you think I have to harvest the lives of 4000 million of you monsters, so that the losses of both of us can be evened? In addition, you invaded us, a total of three invasions, we are considered It's just a challenge. Do I have to pay you back three times?"

"...!!!" He had already killed 1000 million monsters, and this female devil would kill them three more times.

At this moment, the heart of the demon king was completely chilled.

He regretted it.

I really regret it.

He shouldn't have come to invade the Hunyuan Continent.At least if this is the case, he is guarding his own territory and living hard with his tribe.

But now, the demon king dare not think about it.

Although the monster group reproduces faster than humans, they can't stand the repeated killing by this female devil!
She resisted once, and their monsters suffered such a heavy loss, so if she fought three more times, would their monster clan still have a living?
If it is true that the demon clan was destroyed because of his own ambition, then he is the real sinner through the ages.

At this moment, the demon king seemed to be a thousand years old in an instant.

"What do you want? What do you want me to do so that you can let go of my demon clan? Now, what my demon clan leaves behind are old, weak, sick and disabled. Although our reproductive capacity is stronger than that of humans, our living environment is too harsh. It's bad, so the survival rate is not high. How can you let go of the remaining monsters?"

"I heard that there are also spirit stones outside the domain. It's just that the spirit stones outside the domain are called demons by you. Right?"

"That's right." The demon king nodded.

The reason why they want to invade the Hunyuan Continent so much is because they heard that the Hunyuan Continent not only has more aura than the outside world, but also has a lot more spiritual stone veins than the outside world.

There are so many of them, and each monster has a talent for cultivation, so those spirit stones are simply not enough.

"It's not impossible for me to let you go, you have to sign a contract with me. From now on, the foreign monsters will pay 500 million purple spirit stones and one billion blue spirit stones to Hunyuan Continent every year."

The demon king glared: "Why don't you go grab it? Our life outside the territory is hard. Even if we don't use it ourselves, we can't gather so many spirit stones in a year."

"If you can't figure it out, go to war! If you can't figure it out this time, it will be the first time I will fight outside your territory in a year. If you can't figure it out in the second year, I will fight for the second time. If you can't figure it out in the third time... Then the monster clan outside the territory can only exterminate the clan!
Don't tell me that God has the virtue of good life, if this sentence is effective for you, then you will not invade our Hunyuan Continent several times, even the old and weak, women and children.

(End of this chapter)

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