Chapter 1448

I have never been merciful to my enemies.So, in a word, are there so many spirit stones?If not, I will stop wasting my expressions. "

"..." Looking at Ling Tian, ​​the Demon King thought she was a bandit!
This lion of hers opened his mouth wide. Once he agrees, the speed of improvement of the demon descendants will be even slower in the future.

These spirit stones are almost the amount they can mine in a year.Even if there are many, there is nowhere to go.

The demon king sighed: "I promise! I promise you!"

"Okay. Then make a contract!"

After all, Ling Tian threw the contract that had been drawn up into the bird cage.


Looking at the dozens of pages of the contract, in addition to compensation, there are various prohibitions against demons.

So this woman felt that he was bound to lose from the very beginning, and would definitely sign a contract with her?

This is too much to look down on their monsters!

In the end, the demon king signed a contract of humiliating the country.Dragging back with only the body of the junior level of the Blue Spirit Emperor left.

When he came, he brought an army of tens of thousands of monsters with him, arrogant and high-spirited.

When I left, I was alone, alone.

No one would think that there is still time for the demon to make a comeback.

After all, among the monsters, only the monster king is the most powerful.Now even the king of monsters is only at the level of the first level of the Lan Linghuang. After he brings what happened today to the monster group, as long as he is not completely funny, he will no longer think about attacking Hunyuan mainland.

After all, this is no longer a place where their monsters can imagine.

With no one in the human army being damaged, the news that the cinnabar army of tens of thousands of demons was outside the territory spread all over the world.

The whole world rejoiced.

Di Wutian, Di Wuzheng, and Di Wudao brought the remaining princes and ministers of Zhongzhou to their knees and begged for mercy. Feng Yun personally deactivated the spiritual power of these people and told them to go somewhere.

The only thing that frustrates everyone is that Ling Tian's mysterious and most powerful move, from dealing with Long Jue to dealing with the Demon King, has never been used.

After the war ended, even Feng Yun asked Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian was also mysterious and refused to speak.

Three months passed in the blink of an eye.

Feng Yun and Ling Tian did not welcome their real family as Long Jue and Feng Ling said.

But ushered in a wedding of the century, and a great news——

Ling Tian, ​​Hua Liming and Ye Chuchen are all pregnant at the same time!

The entire Hunyuan Continent is boiling again after experiencing that prosperous wedding.

Now the names of Ling Tian, ​​Hua Lixiao and Ye Chuchen are almost more popular than those of Feng Yun, Mu Hun and Gu Junyan.

After all, these three women are synonymous with legend.

On that day, everyone witnessed the abnormal power of the four Transformers with their own eyes.

No one can imagine how Hua Lixiao designed such a perverted thing, and what perverted method Ling Tian used to refine these fairy artifacts.

Dongzhou Imperial Palace, Feng Yun, Gu Junyan and Mu Hun all spoke in unison——


Feng Yun's face was darkened. He glanced at Ye Chuchen, who was full of excitement, and then at Hua Lixiao, the senior sister who usually had the least expression and the coldest expression, but at this moment, the spark of interest was dancing in her cold eyes. Feng Yun's whole body People are bad.

"I thought what kind of exercise you have been cultivating in a mysterious way, but after a long time, it turned out to be the technique of turning back time."

 The buildings are built in order, the 2nd, 7th, and 12th floors are the winning readers, and the following buildings are invalid.

(End of this chapter)

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