Chapter 1450

"After all, the three of you are already pregnant, and the health of my nephew and niece is the most important thing now. Since you already have this time travel technique, even if you bring my nephew and niece down and go back to 20 years ago, it's not too late ah."

"No, no, no! I am the baby's mother. If it is really dangerous, can I still let the baby risk his life and take the other two pregnant women to travel through time and space? Those three people don't listen to me. , they overruled our decision with their self-righteous ideas. This is..."

The three of them are so depressed!

"The stupid dragon is the one I hate the most! He is usually stupider than anyone else, but when this question is brought up, he vetoes it more than anyone else. Tell me, is this guy pretending to be stupid? Why do I always feel that he is not so stupid? "

Ling Tian and Hua Lixiao rolled their eyes at Ye Chuchen.

This is something that even a fool can see, okay?As the smartest fan of the authorities, she has always regarded Mu Hun as a fool.Don't dare to see how well Mu Hun is helping, just look at Ye Chuchen with pitiful eyes, and Ye Chuchen will automatically classify the other party as a stupid dragon series.

"So... is there really no danger?" Yaoyue's eyes were full of joy.

"Nonsense. Is it dangerous for me to propose?"

"Then why do they care so much? It's fine if they don't go, the four of us go. The four of us go first, and then rewrite the history of 20 years ago. How about we come back?"

When the other three women heard this, their eyes lit up.

Yes, why didn't they think of this way?

Now the four of them are masters above the peak of Lingzun, plus four Transformers, even if they want to go back to war 20 years ago, with Transformers around, they will never lose their tires.

Even if they meet Long Jue, they can handle Long Jue 20 years later. Could it be that with the help of so many people in Dongzhou, they can still handle Long Jue?
And it is said that 20 years ago, Long Jue's strength was not that high, he could only draw with Ling Xiao.

Twenty years later, if he can reach the third level above the peak of Lingzun, it must be because he has some great opportunities in these 20 years.

So on top of the four pinnacles of Spiritual Venerables, plus four Immortal Grade Spirit Artifacts and a Demon-Sealing Tablet, is it possible that a Dragon Jue can still be dealt with?
And Ling Tian didn't tell anyone, since she was pregnant, why did she feel that her spiritual power was increasing rapidly?How many levels have grown, even she herself is confused and doesn't know.

Anyway, even if she meets Long Jue who is seven levels above the peak, she will not be afraid anymore.

"That's right! Why do we have to ask for their permission? It's fine if they don't agree. We'll go by ourselves. When we come back safely, we'll see if they're willing to go there." Ye Chuchen was the first to agree.

Less than a second after Ye Chuchen agreed, Ling Tian and Hua Lixiao also immediately agreed.

"Little Tian'er, let's go now!" Thinking of meeting the dead old man, Ye Chuchen was no longer calm.

"Okay." Ling Tian nodded and pointed in three directions: "You guys sit here and close your eyes."

After Hua Liming, Ye Chuchen and Yaoyue sat down, they immediately closed their eyes.

Afterwards, the three of them felt dazzled by clouds.

It wasn't until they felt that sitting was a little bit reluctant, the three of them put their hands on the ground and opened their eyes.

Ling Tian was a spellcaster, so her reaction was not as strong as the three of them, but after she opened her eyes, when she saw a large group of strangers gathered in front of her, she and her other three friends fell into shock.

(End of this chapter)

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