Chapter 1451

At this moment, the hall the four of them are in is exactly the same as the one they traveled through 20 years later, the only difference is the setting.

This shows that the four of them are still in the imperial palace in Dongzhou.But they have traveled to 20 years ago.

But who will tell them, who are this group of people who crowded the room?

Ling Tian, ​​Hua Liming, Ye Chuchen, and Yaoyue all had a look of vigilance in their eyes.

In this situation, even a pig can tell that the people in this room seem to be waiting for their arrival.

Because of the sudden appearance of the four of them, there was no shock, doubt, or vigilance in the eyes of these people, only happiness and joy.

After scanning the people who were watching them, Ling Tian, ​​Hua Liming, Ye Chuchen and Yaoyue locked their eyes on a man at the same time.

This man looks exactly like Feng Yun!
The only difference is that Feng Yun's pupils and hair are silver-gray, but this man is black.

In terms of temperament, this man is of the cold and aloof type, while Feng Yun is of the enchanting and gentle type.

In addition, whether it is height or appearance, they are all exactly the same.

But it was obvious that this man was not Feng Yun.

And beside this man, there is a man in Taoist robes.

The man looked no more than middle-aged, with an extraordinary temperament, a tall and straight figure, and on his almost magical face, the eyes staring at Ling Tian were almost drowning in pampering.

Because the man's eyes were too eager, he had to take Ling Tian's eyes away from the man who looked the same as Feng Yun, and looked at him instead.

Although Ling Tian has never met her father Ling Xiao, she has seen Ling Xiao's portrait.

The man in front of him is somewhat similar to Ling Xiao, but who will tell him, if this man is really Ling Xiao, why does the majestic Dongzhou Emperor wear Taoist robes?And it's still such a coquettish Taoist robe?
Ling Tian's lips moved, and something flashed in his mind. Although there was a little bit of imagination in his mind, in the end, he just looked at the crowd of people in front of him, moved his mouth, and didn't say anything.

The man in Taoist robes was already hot at the moment, and he just stretched out his hand to hug, but the ridiculously beautiful woman next to the man who looked exactly like Feng Yun had already rushed forward one step ahead of him, holding Ling Tian tightly. hugged.

"Little Tian'er, you're finally back, I really miss you so much! Woohoo... Xiaotian, I'm sorry for you! I didn't take good care of you, causing you to be taken away by the dragon spirit. If it wasn't for me Even if he is negligent, Feng Yun will not think that the person he likes is me, so he came to fight with my family, and died miserably in the end. It's all my fault! It's all my fault! I'm a scum!"

Ling Tian: ...! ! !
"But I have already returned the Tongtian Jade to you!"

After all, in the astonishment of Ling Tian and the others, the beautiful and outrageous woman directly pulled the clothes around Ling Tian's neck open, and looked inside her chest.

Ling Tian: ...! ! !
Seeing nothing, he reached out to touch Ling Tian's left and right hands.Finally, she touched something on Ling Tian's left hand, a white light flashed on her hand, and Ling Tian's Tongtian Jade Bracelet, which she couldn't take off since she put it on, was effortlessly wiped off by her.

The next moment, the Tongtian Jade, which was originally a bracelet, turned into a blood-red jade pendant on the woman's hand emitting white light.

(End of this chapter)

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