Chapter 1455

Therefore, this is indeed her own father, Lingbao Tianzun, one of the three in the heavenly court.

This reflex arc is long enough!

Although it was a little unreliable, Ling Tian could feel the blood relationship between himself and the middle-aged man in front of him.

Whether she is on Earth or Hunyuan Continent, she has been an orphan all her life and has never felt the love of her parents.

Now that she suddenly has a father, and she is still so nervous about her father, Ling Tian instantly feels that his life is so perfect.

She has parents who love him, a husband who loves her, and sisters who are close friends, and she will have her own children in the near future.

A sour tear welled up in his eyes in an instant.

Seeing his daughter's eyes turn red instantly, and even the tip of her nose was red, that sweetheart of Master Tongtian seemed to be grabbed by someone.

"Girl, what's the matter with you? Why are you crying? Who bullied you? You tell daddy, daddy will kill him for you! Really, no matter who he is, whoever bullies my girl, I will kill him!"

Crowd: ...! ! !
Is this really what Tianzun can say?

As a person who even respects the emperor of heaven, as the junior of Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun, can't this one be a little more careful when he speaks?

King Feng looked at Daoist Master Tongtian who was about to commit murder and committed a crime, and couldn't help but touch his forehead.

Fortunately, Ling Tian is a good boy with good roots, otherwise he would be raised by a father like Master Tongtian who has no bottom line and is extremely protective, his temper would be even crazier than Feng Ling!

Although the words spoken by Master Tongtian were a bit rough, Ling Tian's heart warmed when he heard it.


A tear fell from the eye socket.

Immediately afterwards, more tears flowed down.

"Girl, what's wrong with you? Don't scare Daddy! Daddy doesn't scare you!"

Seeing the exaggerated expression of the man in front of him but not concealing his handsomeness in the slightest, Ling Tian burst into tears and burst out laughing.

Master Tongtian: ...! !My daughter is crying and laughing now, nothing will happen, right?
He only has such a daughter, if something happens to her, he will become a lonely old man!

Don't scare him!
Seeing that Daoist Tong Tian's face was so frightened that his face was not right, Ling Tian said: "Are you really my father? I was an orphan since I was a child. I have no father or mother. I only have a master and two sisters. If you weren't for me Dear father, you should tell me earlier, otherwise if I take it seriously, you won't be able to play tricks."

Daoist Tongtian was so heartbroken by Ling Tian's words, he quickly put his daughter in his arms.

"Girl! My God! Daddy's precious daughter! Woohoo...I'm not your father, who is your father! My poor child has no mother since I was a child, and finally I arranged for you in Hunyuan Continent." A pair of father and mother were destroyed by Feng Ling and Long Jue.

Girl, it's all right!It's all over!Your Yuan Ling has awakened, and it was your awakened Yuan Ling who brought Dad down to the mortal world.From now on, Daddy will never be separated from you again!You are not an orphan, you still have Daddy.Although you lost your mother, your father will also give you the love your mother had for you. "

Seeing Ling Tian and Master Tongtian hugging and crying together, the eyes of Hua Liming and Ye Chuchen on the side also turned red.

They are also orphans, and they have no parents since they were young. Although their lives are already beautiful now, the lack of family affection in their hearts cannot be made up for by any love.

(End of this chapter)

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