Chapter 1456

Ling Tian's face was facing Huahua and the others, and seeing Huahua and Xiao Chen'er's eyes were red, Ling Tian came out from the arms of Master Tongtian, and asked, "Before Long told my brother that my father It is the leader of Tongtian. Are you the leader of Tongtian?"

"Yes! Daddy is the leader of Tongtian Sect, a very powerful god in the sky. Girl, if anyone bullies you in the future, you can tell Daddy, Daddy can't kill them!"

Everyone: ...! !

I don't know how such a person ascended to the position of Tianzun.

"No one bullies me, but my sister and my sister don't have parents either. Since you are my father, you should be their father too!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Tian pointed at Hua Lixiao and Ye Chuchen and said, "They are my sisters, she is..."

"This is Xiao'er, and this is Chen'er. Dad knows. Dad is their godfather. Besides, they also have parents. It's just because the two of them were killed by Jiaolong Jing in order to help you. So this time, father was entrusted by their parents to find their spirits and put them in the Hunyuan Continent."

Both Hua Lixiao and Ye Chuchen's eyes widened, and their hearts were even more ecstatic.

"Really, godfather? We also have parents?" Ye Chuchen was an acquaintance. Although this was the first time she met the leader of Tongtian, this godfather shouted, and he was not unfamiliar at all.

Master Tongtian rubbed Ye Chuchen's hair lovingly, and said with a smile, "Of course it's true. If you don't have parents, wouldn't it be possible that you just jumped out of a crack in the rock?"



Hua Lixiao: ...! ! !
Ye Chuchen: ...! ! !
Looking at the two people who squeezed in front of them from the very back, their clothes were all messed up, Hua Liming and Ye Chuchen blinked, and their eye sockets turned red all of a sudden.

Although they don't know what their father's name is, heredity is powerful!Hua Hua and Xiao Chen'er looked at the two men standing in front of them, and they knew who their father was with just one glance.

"Come, come, let me introduce you. Xiaoer, this is your father, named Oiran."

Hua Lixiao: ...

"Xiaochener, this is your father, named Yehu."

Ye Chuchen: ...


Ling Tian couldn't hold back, he laughed out loud, and finally he laughed immorally.


Chamber pot!

Oh my mother, these two names are enough for her to laugh at Hua Hua and Xiao Chen'er for the rest of her life!
It wasn't until he saw the embarrassment on the faces of Huakui and Yeto that he coughed several times, holding himself back from laughing.

Hua Lixiao and Ye Chuchen also expressed their helplessness at this moment.

Why is Ma Xiaotian'er's father called Tongtian so awesomely.But one of their fathers is an oiran and the other is a chamber pot?
I feel like this friend can't do it anymore!
Master Tongtian also laughed hahaha, instead of criticizing his daughter for being rude, he said, "Girl, you have always laughed at Hua Kui and Yehu since you were young, and Xiao'er and Chen'er have been fighting with you because of your ridicule. Afterwards, you guys became best friends, lifelong friends. Don’t look at their names as funny, but they are righteous gods with 28 constellations.”

After Ling Tian laughed, he saluted Oiran and Yehu very politely: "Hello Uncle Hua, Uncle Ye!"

The two conscientious gods are the kind of good old people...

(End of this chapter)

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