Chapter 1464

We all know that Master Tongtian is an incommunicable and a bit annoying god, but witnessing such an in-law with his own eyes still pissed off King Feng and Queen Feng half to death.

Thinking that his little prince and princess of the Feng family were going to be raised in Biyou Palace, King Feng wanted to jump up and burn this unreasonable person to death.Pointing at the leader of Tongtian, he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Ling Tian silently supported his forehead.

What heaven is tall?She felt that her married life would definitely turn into a rural light comedy in the future.

With such a father, she is also drunk.

Glancing at Caixia and his wife, she wanted them to help them speak. After all, she had no memory of these people. Although they were very kind to her, she couldn't adjust their relationship as soon as she met her family. Contradictory?And these relationships between them, she had only seen in myth books before.

But Caixia, who is a good girlfriend, is looking at the ceiling, the floor, and her husband at the moment, but she doesn't look at her.

Ling Tian clicked his tongue twice in his heart, and gave Princess Caixia a bad review.

The boat of friendship is overturned.

"Father, it's too early to say these things. And these things can't be discussed here. My brother is still in the palace 20 years later. If you don't let me pick him up, you always have to pick him up." Bar?"

"I'll go, I'll go! Girl Lingtian, daddy go and fetch Yun'er."

After Feng Wang finished speaking, he immediately left.

He had to say hello to his son first, and he must not let him go.His daughter-in-law and his grandchildren must all be raised in the Feng family!

Master Tongtian looked at King Feng who had disappeared before he finished speaking, groaned, and said to Empress Feng who had a bad complexion: "King Feng is really a small-hearted person. I'll ask Feng Yun what he wants to do." Don't you know? Anyway, we didn't discuss this matter, if you disagree, the official wedding hasn't been held anyway, at worst, I'll tell my family Tian'er not to marry."


Empress Feng was so enraged by the leader of Tongtian Cult, she felt that this person was simply too unreasonable.

"You what? Tian'er, but I grew up with shit and pee and being a father and a mother. How difficult it is for me, in fact, you can know? I think our father and daughter are dependent on each other, but the good times don't last long. My Tian’er actually died! From the moment I learned of my Tian’er’s death, I have already decided that from now on, no matter who Tian’er marries or what she does, she will never leave my sight. I can’t afford to lose my daughter again I am in so much pain. So I ask my in-laws to understand what happened to my poor old father. If even my precious daughter has left me, what is the point of me living in this world?"

After that, he began to cry.

Queen Feng: ...! ! !
Poor old man?

Looking at the long hair hanging down the waist, the height is close to 190, the body is strong, the body is stalwart, and the facial features are as if carved by the gods. If he is not one of the three gods in the heaven, who would know ?
He looked clearly not yet 30 years old, but he was much more stable and shameless than 30-year-old men.

Such a person calls himself an old father?

He also gave him a shrew posture where he cried, made trouble and hanged himself, and if Ling Tian was not allowed to stay in Biyou Palace, he would die as a shrew.

I have seen shameless, never seen such shameless.

Just so angry!
(End of this chapter)

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