Chapter 1465

The most irritating thing is that there are several hundred of those intercepting disciples who came here today. When they heard that their leader could not survive, they all knelt down crying and howling.

"Empress Feng, please pity our leader! It's not easy for our leader!"

"Fenghou Empress, God has the virtue of loving life. My leader is one of the three. If it disappears, it will be a loss to the heavens!"

"Empress Feng, if our leader dies, we will not live!"

"Yes, we don't live anymore, we went to follow the leader together! We went to the underworld to serve the leader."

Empress Feng looked at the hundreds of people kneeling beside her, and immediately laughed angrily.

What a high-end and elegant beautiful woman in normal times, a woman who can't even speak loudly in normal times, at this moment, she was directly angered by this group of annoying Jiejiao congregants, and it was the first time in her life that the Hedong lion roared.

"Are you going to die? Do you want to go to the Yincao Difu? Okay! You go! Go to the Yincao Difu to see if the King of Hades dares to accept you people! You die! It is better to die, and Tian'er is my Feng Clan The daughter-in-law of Tian’er, the child born in Tian’er will never see his grandfather, and will never see you uncles and uncles. It’s such a happy decision, you all go to death! From today on, I will take care of Tian’er Son!"

Crowd: ...! ! !
"..." The leader of Tongtian was stunned by Fenghou's words for a moment, and he groaned: "I'm just joking. Die? Huh! Why should I die? I won't give you a dowry after I die. I To live! To live well! I still have to take care of my daughter, bring up my two little grandchildren, and wait for my two little grandchildren to flourish for my Ling family."

"You can bring it if you want, come to the Phoenix Clan to bring it."

"No, take it in Biyou Palace!"

Queen Feng and Master Tongtian would not let anyone else go.

"Oh, that's good! Dad, can you say a few words less?" Ling Tian was almost utterly yelled at by her father.

In fact, she didn't want to do that either, after all, she was very surprised that she had such a good-looking, kind, and powerful father.

But he is really unreasonable.

If this continues, she is really afraid that the relationship between her and Feng Yun will be lost in the discord between the two parents.

In the end, she simply made a decision by herself: "Okay, father, stop arguing with the queen mother!"

Others are strict with their wives, but the leader of Tongtian Cult, whose wife died, is a strict woman.

In his heart, once someone else's opinion disagrees with his, it must be someone else's fault.

Once I disagree with my daughter's opinion, it must be me who is wrong.

After being yelled at by Ling Tian, ​​Master Tongtian, who had always been coaxed in front of the gods, immediately shut up, and couldn't help but straighten his back.

A pair of eyes were full of caution, for fear of offending his daughters.

Seeing this, Ling Tian couldn't bear it, so he adjusted his attitude and said, "Father, Feng Yun and I are already married, and if we get married in front of the people of the entire Hunyuan Continent, I will be his wife. Which woman do you think is married?" In the future, you won't be with your husband, but stay at your mother's house every day?"

"But aren't you pregnant? Isn't dad worried about you?"

"I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant with Fengyun and I's child. This is the crystallization of our love. This child will definitely grow up next to me and Fengyun."

"Then... Dad let Feng Yun also live in Biyou Palace?"

(End of this chapter)

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