Chapter 1466

When Queen Feng heard this, her eyes widened, and she almost died of anger.

Robbing her daughter-in-law and her grandson is not counted, but even her son?
What kind of Lingbao Tianzun is this person?He should be a robber!

Empress Feng has already made up her mind, if she can't say what the Master Tongtian said, he will go to the Emperor of Heaven for comment.

"Father, Feng Yun is the prince of the Feng clan, how could he go to Biyou Palace? Besides, if I marry into the Feng clan, you won't see me in the future? The distance between the Feng clan and Biyou Palace is hundreds or thousands Years to go?"

"Are you kidding? With Daddy's strength, he can travel from Biyou Palace to Feng Clan in half a day."

"That's it! I will follow Feng Yun back to the Feng Clan, and Feng Yun and I will often go to Biyou Palace to see you. After our child is born, you can come to the Feng Clan to see me every day. Wait My body has recovered, and I can bring my children to Biyou Palace to play with you every now and then. Why do you insist on arguing with my mother-in-law over such a trivial matter? You have a bad relationship with my mother-in-law, what will I do in the future? ?”

"Tian'er, the empress mother is not that kind of cheap person. The empress mother is generous! Even if you can't get along with your father, your status as a daughter-in-law of the Feng clan is already established. From now on, you will be my daughter , do you think there are any mothers and daughters in this world who are angry?"

"That's right, Tian'er, you underestimate my father too much. The marriage between you and Feng Yun was facilitated by father and King Feng. It was too late for them to thank father, and it was too late for them to like you as a daughter-in-law. How could they make things difficult because of father?" Do they make you feel bad once they hit you? It's absolutely impossible! Hahahaha... right Queen Feng?"

"That is!"

Ling Tian: ...! !Emma, ​​I'm so tired!

Finally, Feng Yun, Gu Junyan and Mu Hun were brought over.

After Feng Yun came over, he saw that Ling Tian's face was stinky, and he ignored the large group of strangers standing in front of them. When Master Tongtian was about to scold someone because of his stinky face, he stretched out his hand to stop him. He touched Ling Tian's hand, checked her pulse, checked her body after confirming that she was fine, and asked nervously, "Are you okay?"

Knowing what he was worried about, Ling Tian's heart warmed up, and he showed a flattering smile: "Hee hee, everyone said that nothing will happen. Is it possible that I don't know about the exercises I have mastered?"

Feng Yun stretched out his hand and lightly tapped Ling Tian's forehead: "If you continue to do such dangerous things behind my back, see how I will deal with you!"

It was originally a flirting and cursing words of the young couple, but if it fell into the ears of the daughter-in-law, Master Tongtian, it was simply a threat.

"Yo yo, what do you mean! This is my daughter, why do you punish my daughter? My daughter, I myself have never been willing to say harsh words, why do you have such a shame, you still want to punish my daughter? Come, come, come and tell me, my father-in-law, if my daughter doesn't listen to you, how are you going to deal with my daughter?"

Feng Yun: ...

Ling Tian: ...Oh my god, why is it so difficult to communicate with her father!

Feng Yun said clean it up, she knew it without even thinking about it, it must be after her body became more comfortable in the future, she would be tossing her vigorously on the bed ccc.

This is the threat between husband and wife, but also the interest between husband and wife.

You are an elder, what are you messing with? !
Feng Wang and Feng Hou, the deeply affectionate couple, could hear what Feng Yun's threatening tone meant.

(End of this chapter)

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