Chapter 1474
"Then what, everyone, if you don't mind the trouble, come with me back to 20 years ago. I want to ascend from the Hunyuan Continent 20 years ago."

Princess Yunyue had spoken, and everyone was not in a hurry, so they accompanied Yunyue to Hunyuan Continent 20 years ago.

20 years ago, the imperial capital of the Central Continent in the Hunyuan Continent.

Although it was almost late at night, the streets were still crowded with people, lights and festoons, smiling crowds everywhere, and bustling traffic everywhere.

Along the meandering Liu River, the girls put the paper boats carrying river lanterns into the water, watched the boats slowly drifting away and hurriedly put their hands together to make a wish.

On the street, pedestrians are in groups of twos and threes, and everyone has a happy smile on their lips.

In the tavern, the drinkers talked and laughed loudly, and there were a few low-pitched women's giggles every now and then.

The criss-crossing traffic, the row upon row of houses, the dotted lanterns, and the beautiful fireworks blooming in the sky from time to time...

Today is the annual Lantern Festival.

In Central Continent, the most powerful and prosperous place in the Hunyuan Continent, the common people live a comfortable life away from the flames of war, and everyone's face is so comfortable.

In the busiest brothel in the capital, the lights were feasting, and all the prostitutes blushed, and they hugged the warm and fragrant nephrite in their arms and talked happily.

When the top singer is singing on the high platform, there is a sorrow that can't be dispelled in the beautiful eyes of the flowing water.

At the end of a song, the voice of the old bustard sounded like a fat duck.

Today is the first night of auction for the top singer.

The No. [-] beauty in the imperial capital will auction off her first night here.Starting from tonight, she will completely degenerate from a singer who only sells herself to the world of mortals.

Eyes flowed, and as the auction price got higher and higher, but fewer and fewer people bid, the diva's originally indifferent and calm eyes flashed with anxiety.

"500 million for the first time!"

"500 million second time!"

"Are there any officials who want to increase the price? This is our girl Qiuyu's first night! Ten thousand gold is hard to find! If there are no officials who want to increase the price, then Miss Qiuyu will belong to Mr. Zheng tonight!"

The price of 500 million green spirit stones has already made the old bustard smile, although she knows that the one Qiuyu likes has not called out the price for her once.But 500 million green spirit stones still made her feel valuable.

"500 million for the third time! Congratulations Mr. Zheng, Qiuyu is yours tonight."

Under the stage, a fat man with big ears blushed, his wide mouth almost split behind his ears.

He was dressed in expensive brocade, but it made him look like a butcher.

Qiu Yu on the stage could no longer hold back the broken emotions in her heart, and two silver threads fell from Qiu Yu's tear-filled eyes.

"Qiu Yu, hurry up and get ready to welcome your first distinguished guest!"

Seeing that Qiu Yu couldn't even maintain a basic expression, the old bustard quickly used his fat body to cover her graceful figure.

Then, in a voice that the piao customers below could not hear, he said bitterly: "Why are you crying? If you have the ability, let Jin Wang buy your first night! You really regard yourself as a character!"
Putting on face in my Zuixian Tower all day long made me think that you really had the ability to have King Jin redeem you, tsk tsk, but he didn't even call you the price once.

(End of this chapter)

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