Chapter 1475
You, just accept your fate!A prostitute is a prostitute, no matter how beautiful she is, she is still a prostitute!If you have that good life that can make King Jin fall in love with you, I will send you out on my knees respectfully.But you don't have that life, so you should make appointments!

Go back and wipe away the tears for me quickly, and give Mr. Zheng to my old lady to serve tonight.If you dare to show your face to Mr. Zheng and make him unhappy, I will make you a third-rate tomorrow! "

After Qiu Yu listened to the old bustard's words, her already pale face was almost transparent now.

There was no way to stay here any longer, she would feel sick just by looking at Mr. Zheng.

Qiu Yu covered her face and left, and quickly ran up to Tianzi No. [-] box on the third floor, so excited that she even forgot the usual etiquette when she entered the door, and pushed the box door open.

She just wanted to ask him why he clearly agreed not only to get her first night, but also to redeem her body tonight, but in the end he didn't bid at all?

She wanted to ask him if he knew how much she was looking forward to tonight?Ask him if he knows how important to her tonight is?Do you know how cruel it is for her to destroy it with your own hands after giving her great hope?

Originally, she heard that he was injured and narrowly escaped death, how anxious she was at that time.But her status is low, she can't enter the Central Continent Emperor's Palace, can't enter his palace, and can't see him.For so many days, she felt that she was going crazy from being tortured by longing. She originally participated in the Chuchu night auction today with a heart of despair.

But the moment she saw him, she felt that she was alive again, and she felt that her life was lit up by him.

Unexpectedly, just when she thought that he came to her first night auction specially with injuries, he didn't ask the price from the beginning to the end.

So, she came in and asked him: Since you didn't bid, what are you doing here today?
But when she pushed the door open and saw him, she couldn't say anything.

From her angle, she could just see his gaze.

At this moment, he has changed from his usual evil charm and frivolity, and his eyes are full of uncontrollable sadness.

She even saw...

I even saw the undried tears on his cheeks! ! !
What's up with him?
why is he crying
At this moment, Qiu Yu said countless questions that she had already thought in her mind, but she was so shocked by the scene in front of her that she completely forgot about it.

Feng Yun knew that someone was running over, but he didn't expect that someone would push the door open for him after he clearly ordered the madam not to disturb anyone.

The sadness that could not be concealed was replaced by bloodthirsty anger at this moment.

The wine glass in his hand bounced mercilessly from his bony fingertips and hit the wall beside Qiu Yu.

The wine glass exploded at the corner of the wall, and a small fragment flew out of the glass and hit Qiu Yu's face.

The white gauze fell to the ground.

The pretty face that was originally all over the country and city, was hit by this small fragment and an invisible gap was cracked.

In Qiu Yu's shock and disbelief, the gap instantly expanded to the width of three fingers, and the skin that was torn apart instantly swelled up.

Until this moment, Qiu Yu couldn't help screaming in horror.

Seeing Qiu Yu running up to the third floor, the old bustard followed immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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