Chapter 1490
"Who do you think can't find it in a lifetime?"

Facing Nangong Jin's questioning, the face of the god who didn't know where he came from turned pale, and he didn't dare to answer at all.

"Seeing that you look like a dog, is it possible that you are a dog who is practicing spitting ivory?"


The fairy was scolded by Nangong Jin as a dog, his eyes widened, and he wanted to refute, but after seeing Nangong Jin's cold eyes, he swallowed the words that were about to rush out.

Seeing that the god was so cowardly that he didn't dare to speak anymore, Nangong Jin didn't bother to talk to him anymore.

It's just that the original idea of ​​letting the senior students go out is gone now.

Facing the Antarctic soldiers who came back from the outside with him and were about to withdraw their troops, he ordered again: "Give this academy to the deity, and if any parent dares to trespass, he will be arrested directly."


Then, Nangong Jin took his wife Lu Xiaoxiao's hand and went in.

The rest of the gods glared at the man just now, with the intention of devouring him alive.

The man straightened his neck and shouted angrily: "You all look at what I am doing? It's not me who surrounded the academy."

"But if it wasn't for your inappropriate words, with the temperament of the Antarctic Immortal, our children would have come out by now."


"Incompetent bungler."

"Where did this man come from?"

"It seems to be a person from the fifteenth heaven who has just ascended to become a god."


Who doesn't know how many people in this heaven can't afford to offend?
Thinking back when Princess Yunyue trespassed in the Antarctic sky, she was thrown directly from the Antarctic Mountain in the 32nd heaven to the Lingxiao Palace in the 33rd Heaven by the Antarctic Immortal, not to mention smashing a hole in the Lingxiao Palace. On the jade bed of the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother.The Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother, who were in love with their wives, were so frightened that they were in a bad mood.

With such a person, how dare you curse that other people's children will never be found for the rest of their lives?
Are you looking for a draw?
"However, he talked too much, and the Antarctic Immortal Lord didn't abolish him. Does it mean that the little princess of the Antarctic Heaven has been found?"

"It's possible. You see, these soldiers of the Antarctic Heaven are all people who followed the Antarctic Immortal to the void to find children."

"Both they and the Antarctic Immortal have returned, which means that the little princess has also been found."

"It's good if you find it. My child can finally come out."

"I don't know who killed a thousand swords. Such a young child can do it. This kind of person should be severely punished!"

"Hehe, I don't think this matter can be resolved with severe punishment. Didn't you see that the entire Jiaozi Academy was surrounded by the army of the demon world? Who is Chi Yang? That is the prince of the demon world, the prince of the fairy world, the second ancestor of pure gold I really didn't expect the little princess to be his fiancée."

"What's unexpected? Princess Yunyue and Nanji Xianjun didn't know each other, and later became such good friends. It's strange that the two families don't get married."

"The person who harmed the little princess is really miserable!"

Just as everyone was talking, the crowd outside became commotion in an instant.

Looking in the direction of the crowd's commotion, Chi Yang flew into the academy with a dark face, hugging a long-haired beauty.

By his side is Feng Shengxuan, the eldest son of the Feng clan.

Looking back, the Demon Emperor Chi Yan, Princess Yun Yue, Feng Ming, the Crown Prince of the Feng Clan, and Princess Caixia all came.

But who will tell them, why behind these people, they still saw Phoenix King and Phoenix Queen?
(End of this chapter)

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