Chapter 1491
Seeing the long-lost Prince Feng Yun and Fairy Ling Tian?Why did I still see the Tongtian leader who usually has eyes on the top of his head and can't be a bird?

Who will tell them, why they still saw Daoist Duobao, Our Lady of Golden Spirit, Our Lady of Wudang, Our Lady of Turtle Spirit, etc., who are so powerful in daily life?

Almost all the first-generation disciples of Master Tongtian have gathered.

What is the relationship between these people and the little princess?
Seeing the dense crowd of great gods all with calm faces of debt collectors, the surrounding gods were all shocked.

You know, these people who cut off the teaching are in their own group in the heaven.

Not only are they skilled in spells, but they also love to be in the same breath. To put it bluntly, they are protecting their weaknesses.

If a person has been wronged, I am afraid that the entire sect will come out to seek justice for him.To put it in an easy-to-understand sentence, Jiejiao is the biggest underworld in the fairy world in the hearts of the gods.

On weekdays, no one dared to provoke the interceptors.As long as they joined the interception, even if their strength was completely inferior to the opponent, the opponent would not dare to touch them.Just because moving them is equivalent to mobilizing the entire Jiejiao.

So after seeing hundreds of people coming in, everyone fell silent.

There is now a conclusion in the minds of the gods——

That idiot who tried to harm Nangong Nuannuan is dead!
The dean and the deputy dean's eyes lit up after seeing Nangong Jin come back.

Vice-principal Wen Yuan immediately flew to Nangong Jin's side, deliberately shortened him by a little, and asked, "Nanji Immortal, are you back? Have you found the child?"

Nangong Jin didn't even bother to give him a look, so she took his wife's hand and walked towards the interrogation hall inside.

In the interrogation hall, after ten days of interrogation, the result has been released.

A five-year-old girl had a pale face and eyes full of horror.

Seeing his father follow Nangong Jin into the main hall from the outside, his eyes lit up, and he cried pitifully.

"Daddy save me! Daddy save me! Daddy save me! They are bad people! Woooooo..."

All the students of the Jiaozi student are imprisoned in this hall at the moment, looking at the crying little girl, not only do they not have the slightest sympathy in their eyes, but they are full of disgust.

"Why are you crying? Do you still feel that you have been wronged? Although you are still young, the laws of heaven will not sanction you, but you must also reflect and repent from the bottom of your heart, and pray that Nuan Nuan will come back safe and sound!"

Wen Yuan knew that his daughter Wen Wan had caused a catastrophe this time, because the place was surrounded by the army of the demon world, even he couldn't get in.Now you can come in, although it is a scolding to her daughter, but anyone can hear it, this is a disguised form to reassure Wen Wan, she is still young, even if she does something wrong, she will not be punished by the heaven .

At the same time, it is also a disguised form to let Nangong Jin know that although he is the Antarctic Emperor, he is still subject to the constraints of the heavenly rules, and he cannot use his power for personal gain just because of his high position and power.

Wen Wan is a smart one, she understood her father's meaning as soon as she heard it, and she cried even more sadly.

"Father, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong! I just wanted to make a joke with Nuannuan to scare her, who knows that I don't know how to use that joystick, just moved it, and Nuannuan was swept away by the storm Gone. I really didn't do it on purpose, and I will never do this again. I will definitely get along with Nuannuan in the future, take classes well, and never make such jokes with her again. "

(End of this chapter)

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