My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 162 See Who Killed Who

Chapter 162 See Who Killed Who
"This... what kind of light work is this?"

The fourth-level spiritual master who had already set foot on Ling Tian's ship couldn't help being shocked.In his cognition, even the most powerful ninth-level spiritual master can't be suspended in the air like this, right?unless……

"Spirit Kings! They are the legendary Spirit Kings!"

Suddenly, a fourth-level spiritualist next to Yan Shouxin yelled out in shock, his eyes full of horror from seeing a ghost.


Everyone, including Yan Shouxin, also changed their expressions drastically.

Even Mo Chengtian, who was taken into the air by Fei Yu, couldn't help his heart skip a beat.

Spirit King!

They are all people on the Kingdom Pyramid, and they have also heard of legends of the level of King Ling.

It is said that one blow of a spirit king can almost equal to three thunderbolts, and it is an existence that can wipe out a ninth-level spirit master with a wave of his hand.

Moreover, the spirit king has already broken through the limit of human beings. The average person is more than seventy years old, but the spirit king, if he is not killed by others, can at least live to be 300 years old!
How could there be two such young spirit kings in a dynasty where even ninth-level spirit masters have disappeared?
At this moment, Di Wushang and Feiyu floating in the air are gods to Yan Shouxin.

Yan Shouxin hurriedly knelt down in front of Di Wushang, and kowtowed: "This junior doesn't know that senior is a master of the Spirit King, so I offended him so much, so I ask senior to make amends. This junior is a direct descendant of the Yan family of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families. If there is no accident, you should He is the next generation head of the Yan family.

As long as the senior can allow the junior to clean up the house, the junior is willing to introduce the two seniors into the Yan family, and become the worship elders of my Yan family from now on, accepting the worship of my Yan family for generations. "

"I step aside from my head just to let my wife have a wider fighting platform. In front of my wife, you Yan family is not even worthy of crawling at her feet. How dare you say that my wife is born with a mother or not?" Yang, just based on your words, Yan family, will be obliterated in Hunyuan Continent from now on.

Also, my Patriarch loves my wife the most, and you just said that you want my wife to be your concubine. "

When Yan Shouxin heard this, his face instantly turned pale.

He he he... What the hell did he say just now?

Mo Chengtian who was caught by Feiyu was also shocked.


It turns out that sister Tian'er has already made a private decision with that person for life?

Infinite bitterness suddenly slipped through my heart.

And Ling Tian...

He glared at Fei Yu, but saw that he immediately turned his eyeballs to the sky, and didn't look at her at all.

"Come on, aren't you going to kill me? Today, let's see who killed who!"

Ling Tian's words caused everyone to smile wryly.

The Spirit King, even in the minds of top fighters, is a god-like existence.

There are two godlike men floating behind this aunt, even if she is an ant, they dare not step on her now!

"Are you going to kill him or not?" Ling Tian asked with a frown.

"No, no, don't kill!"

The fourth-level spiritual master who jumped onto Ling Tian's boat and pushed the two spirit kings out of the boat, dropped the sword in his hand and quickly knelt down on the ground.

But the next moment, he yelled fiercely, making the scalps of the people on the big boat go numb.

I saw this fourth-level spiritual master slowly flying up from the boat, his limbs were extremely twisted in the air, and his eyeballs protruded from the pain.

Then, amidst the dumbfoundedness of the crowd, amidst the screams of the spiritual master, there was a muffled "poof".

(End of this chapter)

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