Chapter 163
A strong man from an aristocratic family just like that turned into a bloody mist in the sky, and diffused into the air.

What about the bones?
The skin and flesh turned into a blood mist, did even the muscles and bones turn into a blood mist?
"You three, go together. If anyone lets this seat see that you didn't use all your strength to confront her, that person just now will be your fate."

The other three fourth-level spiritual masters were so frightened that their hands and feet went limp. Now that they heard this extremely cold order, no matter why this man wanted them to attack his wife, they rushed forward without any reservations. .

The three of them almost tried their best, but for Ling Tian, ​​who had already reached the fourth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, even if there were ten of them, she could handle it with ease.

Facing the menacing three men, Ling Tian didn't even hold a weapon, easily dodged the sword that was swung up, punched the man's chest with a punch, and then swept straight towards the two men who came to form a siege in front of her.

Fighting against one of them, but when the sword of the last person was about to sink into her body——


Although it was only two meters away, Ling Tian appeared behind the third person in an instant.


There was a muffled sound, and in the blink of an eye, the three of them fell to the ground.


Mo Chengtian looked at the three people who fell to the ground and screamed in pain, and couldn't help touching his nose.

These three are really...

Well done.

But the next moment, Mo Chengtian's complexion changed abruptly.

Because from these three people, there was a clear crackling sound.

This is the sound of bones breaking apart!
As the voice continued to sound, the figures of the three fourth-level spiritual masters slowly shrank under the naked eye.

This is the automatic shrinkage of the flesh without bone support.

The three screams gradually stopped, but the crackling of the bones did not stop.

In this way, the middle-level warriors of the three families turned into three piles of meat balls under Ling Tian's face-to-face encounter.

At this moment, Ling Tian, ​​who was dressed in red, seemed to have transformed into a fierce ghost Shura, stepped lightly on the small boat, and directly jumped onto the big boat.

Yan Shouxin was already limp on the ground at this moment, unable to move.

Staring at Ling Tian, ​​it was like looking at a scourge.

"Who did you say was born without a mother?"

"I... I, I, I!"

"Who did you ask to be your concubine just now?"

Yan Shouxin's face was ashamed, and he kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Miss Ling, please forgive me, I know I was wrong! If you don't remember the villain's mistakes, you have to forgive others and forgive others, just treat me like a fart! "

"Didn't you just say that even if I am a dragon, I have to lie down in front of you?"

"I'm on the ground! I'm on the ground!" After saying that, Yan Shouxin pressed his limbs to the ground, only his head was knocking.

"You said, you want me to hand over [-] Ling family troops?"

"No, no, don't dare! The Ling family army belongs to the Ling family, so I don't want it!"

"You kill yourself! I'm too lazy to deal with you!"

Ling Tian sensed Yan Shouxin's strength with his mental power, but he was only a second-level peak healer.

After practicing "Teleportation", Ling Tian is confident that no healer below the sixth level will be her opponent.

Upon hearing the suicide, Yan Shouxin's pupils dilated with fright.

"Don't! Don't! Miss Ling, please spare my life!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Shouxin stretched out his hand to grab Ling Tian's trousers.

The next moment, a scene that made Ling Tian's scalp tingle happened.

The hand that was about to touch the leg of her trousers suddenly became dry as if it lacked moisture.

(End of this chapter)

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